File: style.css
/* Theme Name: iNove Theme URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/inove/ Description: Inspired by MacZone.sk, created by mg12. It is very stylish, widget supported and doesn’t require any plugin. Version: 1.4.6 Author: mg12 Author URI: http://www.neoease.com/ Tags: white, light, two-columns, fixed-width, theme-options, right-sidebar */ /* static START */ body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,fieldset,input,textarea,blockquote,p,fieldset { margin:0; padding:0; } abbr[title], acronym[title] { border-bottom:thin dotted; cursor:help; } body { background:#BEC3C6 url(img/bg.jpg) repeat-x; color:#555; font-family:Verdana,"BitStream vera Sans",Tahoma,Helvetica,Sans-serif; font-size:12px; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:-0.05em; font-family:Arial; } h1 {font-size:200%;} h2 {font-size:170%;} h3 {font-size:150%;} h4 {font-size:130%;} h5 {font-size:110%;} h6 {font-size:100%;} img { border:0; } img.sided { background:#FFF; border:2px solid #CCC; padding:3px; } small { font-size:10px; } a:hover img.sided { border-color:#A6A6A6; } a { color:#2970A6; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } .wp-caption { background:#F7F7F7; border:1px solid #CCC; padding:5px 0; margin-bottom:5px; text-align:center; } .wp-caption img { margin:0 5px; } .wp-caption-text { text-align:center; padding:0 5px !important; padding:3px 5px 0; } *+html .wp-caption-text { padding:3px 5px 0 !important; } .post .content .wp-caption p { margin:0; } blockquote, pre { background:#F4F5F7 url(img/blockquote.gif) 3px 3px no-repeat; border:1px dashed #CCC; padding:8px 12px 8px 36px; margin:5px 0; } .more-link { font-size:11px; } .alignleft { float:left; text-align:left; margin-right:10px; } .alignright { float:right; text-align:right; margin-left:10px; } .aligncenter { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .floatleft { float:left; } .floatright { float:right; } .left { float:left; margin-right:10px; } .right { float:right; margin-left:10px; } .fixed, .clear { clear:both; } input.textfield, textarea { background:#FFF url(img/textfield.gif) top repeat-x; border:1px solid #A6A6A6; padding:2px 1px; font-size:12px; font-family:Verdana,"BitStream vera Sans",Tahoma,Helvetica,Sans-serif; } .boxcaption { background:#E3E4E6 url(img/box.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; padding:6px 12px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; } .boxcaption h3 { font-size:12px; font-family:Verdana,"BitStream vera Sans",Tahoma,Helvetica,Sans-serif; letter-spacing:0em; } .box { background:#F4F5F7 url(img/box.gif) 100% 100% no-repeat; padding:8px 12px; margin-bottom:10px; } .messagebox, .errorbox { background:#EDEFF0 url(img/messagebox.gif) no-repeat; padding:0 12px; height:27px; line-height:27px; font-size:11px; } .w3c { color:#080; font-size:10px; } /* static END */ /* layout START */ #wrap { background:url(img/light.gif) center top no-repeat; padding:20px 0; } #container { margin:0 auto; width:936px; } /* layout END */ /* header START */ #header { background:url(img/header.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; height:90px; border-bottom:1px solid #A6A6A6; overflow:hidden; } #caption { padding:25px 30px 0; } #title a { text-decoration:none; color:#FFF; height:30px; display:block; font-family:"Trajan Pro"; letter-spacing:0; } /* image blog title */ /* #title a { background:url(img/title.gif) no-repeat; text-decoration:none; color:#FFF; width:250px; height:30px; text-indent:-999em; display:block; } */ #tagline { color:#FFF; border-top:1px solid #FFF; text-decoration:none; font-size:10px; float:left; padding:0 3px; } #header .banner { float:right; padding:15px 15px 0; color:#999; } /* header END */ /* navigation START */ #navigation { background:#FFF; border-bottom:1px solid #A6A6A6; } #menus li { display:inline; list-style:none; } #menus li a { background:transparent url(img/menu.gif) no-repeat; display:block; color:#382E1F; height:31px; line-height:31px; padding:0 20px; margin-left:-10px; text-decoration:none; font-size:11px; float:left; z-index:1; } #menus li a:hover, #menus li a.current { background-position:0 -31px; } #menus li.current_page_item a, #menus li.current-cat a { background-position:0 -62px; } #menus li a.home { background-position:0 -93px; width:45px; padding:0; margin-left:0; text-indent:-999em; } #menus li a.home:hover { background-position:0 -124px; } #menus li.current_page_item a.home { background-position:0 -155px; 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} #menus li li a.last { border-color:#A6A6A6; } #menus li li a:hover, #menus li li a.current { background-color:#EDEFF0; color:#382E1F; } #menus li li a.subtitle, #menus li li a.subtitle:hover { background-image:url(img/arrow.gif); background-position:right; background-repeat:no-repeat; } /* submenu END */ /* content START */ #content { background:#FFF url(img/sidesep.gif) right repeat-y; min-height:400px; } /* content END */ /* main START */ #main { background:#FFF url(img/main_shadow.gif) top repeat-x; width:605px; padding:13px 15px 15px; float:left; overflow:hidden; } #notice { color:#080; } #notice a { text-decoration:underline; } .post { padding-bottom:5px !important; padding-bottom:15px; } *+html .post { padding-bottom:15px !important; } .post h2 { display:block; margin-top:10px; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; padding:0 5px 3px; font-size:16px; font-family:Verdana,"BitStream vera Sans"; } .post h2 a.title { text-decoration:none; color:#4C4C4C; } .post h2 a.title:hover { color:#2970A6; } .post h2 .act a { font-weight:normal; } .post .info { margin:5px; } .post .info span.first { margin-left:0; } .post .date, .post .author, .post .editpost, .post .comments, .post .addcomment, .post .addlink, .post .editlinks { background:url(img/icons.gif) no-repeat; padding-left:22px; height:16px; line-height:16px; display:block; font-size:11px; } .post .tags, .post .categories { background:url(img/icons.gif) no-repeat; width:16px; height:16px; line-height:16px; display:block; text-indent:-999em; } .post .under span.tags, .post .under span.categories { margin-right:6px; } .post .act { height:16px; float:right; } .post .act span { float:left; margin-left:15px; } .post .tags { background-position:0 -400px; } .post .categories { background-position:0 -480px; } .post .date { background-position:0 -48px; margin-right:15px; float:left; } .post .author { background-position:0 0; float:left; } .post .editpost { background-position:0 -64px; margin-left:15px; float:right; } .post .comments { background-position:0 -96px; float:right; } .post .addcomment { background-position:0 -112px; margin-left:15px; float:right; } .post .addlink { background-position:0 -176px; } .post .editlinks { background-position:0 -192px; } .post .content { padding:5px 0 0 5px; line-height:145%; overflow:hidden; } .post .content p { margin-bottom:10px; } .post .under { height:16px; line-height:16px; font-size:11px; margin-bottom:10px; } .post .under span { float:left; margin-right:15px; } .post .content h4 { color:#080; margin-bottom:10px; } .post .content img { max-width:600px; } .post .content ul, .post .content ol { padding-bottom:10px; } .post .content ul li, .post .content ol li { list-style-position:inside; padding-left:20px; } .post .content table { background:#FFF; border:2px solid #CCC; border-collapse:collapse; margin:5px 0 10px; } .post .content th, .post .content td { border:1px solid #CCC; padding:3px 10px; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; } .post .content tr.even td { background:#F7F7F7; } .post .content th { background:#EDEFF0; } .post .content .boxcaption { background-image:url(img/postbox.gif); } .post .content .box { background-image:url(img/postbox.gif); } #postpath { background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -320px no-repeat; line-height:16px; margin:5px 0; padding-left:22px; } #pagenavi, #postnavi { border-top:1px solid #CCC; margin:10px -5px 0; padding:10px 5px 0; } #pagenavi { font-size:11px; } #pagenavi .newer a, #postnavi .prev a { background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -224px no-repeat; padding-left:22px; float:left; height:16px; line-height:16px; } #pagenavi .older a, #postnavi .next a { background:url(img/icons.gif) 100% -240px no-repeat; padding-right:22px; float:right; height:16px; line-height:16px; } /* main END */ /* sidebar START */ #sidebar { background:#F7F7F7 url(img/sidebar_shadow.gif) top repeat-x; width:300px; float:right; font-size:95%; line-height:145%; overflow:hidden; padding-top:8px; } #sidebar li { background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -560px no-repeat; padding-left:22px; list-style:none; margin-top:5px; 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} #subscribe li#inezha_reader a span { background-position:0 -140px; } #subscribe li a { display:block; padding:5px; text-decoration:none; width:80px; font-size:12px; } #subscribe li a:hover { background:#EEDDCC; } #tag_cloud a { line-height:130%; } /* sidebar END */ /* footer START */ #footer { background:url(img/footer.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; display:block; height:88px; border-top:1px solid #CCC; font-size:11px; line-height:145%; width:100%; } #footer a { color:#2A2A2A; } #copyright { margin-top:12px; margin-left:20px; } #themeinfo { margin-left:20px; } a#powered { background:url(img/wp-logo.png) no-repeat; display:block; width:92px; height:57px; float:left; margin:0 10px 0 5px; text-indent:-999em; } a#gotop { background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -304px no-repeat; float:right; height:16px; line-height:18px; display:block; padding-left:16px; margin:5px 15px 0 0 !important; margin:5px 8px 0 0; text-decoration:none; } /* footer END */ /* comment START */ #commentlist { background:#FCFCFC; border-top:1px solid #CCC; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; margin:0 -15px; padding:0 15px; } #commentlist ol, #commentlist li { list-style:none; } #cmtswitcher { background:#FFF; font-size:10px; padding-top:5px; } #cmtswitcher a.tab, #cmtswitcher a.curtab { padding:5px 10px; margin-bottom:-1px; display:block; float:right; color:#555; text-decoration:none; } #cmtswitcher a.tab { border:1px solid #FFF; border-bottom-color:#CCC; } #cmtswitcher a.curtab { background:#FCFCFC; border:1px solid #CCC; border-bottom-color:#FCFCFC; } #cmtswitcher .addcomment, #cmtswitcher .addtrackback { padding-left:22px; height:16px; line-height:16px; display:block; font-size:11px; float:left; margin-right:15px; margin-top:4px !important; margin-top:3px; } #cmtswitcher .addcomment { background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -112px no-repeat; } #cmtswitcher .addtrackback { background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -144px no-repeat; } #thecomments, #thetrackbacks { padding-bottom:15px; } #thecomments .comment, #thecomments .messagebox { margin-top:15px; } .comment .author { float:left; width:81px; text-align:center; } .comment .pic { background:url(img/commentpoint.png) 100% 33% no-repeat; padding-right:14px; margin-top:10px; } .comment .name { width:67px; padding-right:14px; font-weight:bold; overflow:hidden; } .comment .avatar { padding:1px; border:1px solid #999; } .comment .info { background:#EDEFF0 url(img/comment.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; float:left; padding:10px 15px 0; width:494px; } .comment .date, .trackback .date { float:left; font-size:10px; } .comment .act, .trackback .act { float:right; font-size:10px; } .comment .content { background:url(img/comment.gif) 100% 100% no-repeat; margin:0 -15px; padding:0 15px 10px; line-height:145%; } .comment .content p { margin-top:10px; } .comment .content blockquote p { margin-top:0; margin-bottom:10px; } .admincomment .author { float:right; } .admincomment .pic { background:url(img/commentpoint.png) 0% 33% no-repeat; padding-right:0; padding-left:14px; } .admincomment .name { padding-right:0; padding-left:14px; } .admincomment .info { float:right; } #comment_login { margin-top:15px; } #thetrackbacks { display:none; } #thetrackbacks li { margin-top:15px; } .trackback { background:#EDEFF0 url(img/box.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; padding:10px 15px 0; width:575px; } .trackback .title { background:#EDEFF0 url(img/box.gif) 100% 100% no-repeat; padding:10px 15px !important; padding:0 15px 10px; width:575px; margin:0 -15px; } #respond { padding:10px 0 0; font-size:11px; } #respond .row { margin-bottom:5px; } #respond .textfield { width:200px; } #emoticon { float:right; margin-top:1px; margin-right:10px; } #comment { width:601px; } #commentnavi { background:#EDEFF0 url(img/box.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; padding:10px 15px; font-size:11px; } #commentnavi a.page-numbers { padding:5px 7px; text-decoration:none; border:1px solid #EDEFF0; margin:0 -2px; } #commentnavi a.page-numbers:hover { background:#F7F7F7; border:1px solid #CCC; text-decoration:none; } #commentnavi span.pages { padding:0 7px 0 22px; background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -272px no-repeat; height:16px; 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} #wp-calendar caption { font-family:Arial; font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:-0.05em; font-size:150%; text-align:left; padding-bottom:5px; } #wp-calendar th, #wp-calendar td { text-align:center; } #wp-calendar tbody td { border:1px solid #CCC; } #wp-calendar tbody td.pad { border:0 none; } #wp-calendar th { background:#999; color:#FFF; } #wp-calendar td#prev { text-align:left; padding-top:5px; } #wp-calendar td#next { text-align:right; padding-top:5px; } /* calendar END */ /* linkcat START */ .post .content .linkcat ul li { list-style:none; float:left; width:25%; padding:2px 0; overflow:hidden; } .post .content .linkcat ul li a { background:url(img/icons.gif) 0 -160px no-repeat; padding-left:22px; height:16px; line-height:16px; } /* linkcat END */ /* related posts START */ /* when related posts with title */ #related_posts { padding-bottom:10px; } #related_posts h3 { background:#E3E4E6 url(img/box.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; font-size:12px; padding:6px 12px; font-family:Verdana,"BitStream vera Sans",Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif; letter-spacing:0em; border-bottom:1px solid #CCC; } #related_posts ul { background:#F4F5F7 url(img/box.gif) 100% 100% no-repeat; padding:3px 12px 8px; } #related_posts ul li { list-style:none; padding:3px 5px; border-bottom:1px solid #E3E4E6; line-height:18px; } #related_posts .count { font-size:10px; } #related_posts .excerpt { color:#999; font-size:11px; display:block; } /* when related posts without title */ /* #related_posts { padding-top:3px; padding-bottom:8px; } #related_posts ul li { list-style:none; padding:3px 5px; border-bottom:1px solid #E3E4E6; line-height:18px; } */ /* related posts END */ /* one-column START */ .one-column #content { background:#FFF; } .one-column #main { width:906px; } .one-column #comment { width:902px; } .one-column .trackback, .one-column .trackback .title { width:876px; } .one-column .comment .info { width:795px; } .one-column .comment .info, .one-column .comment .content { background-image:url(img/comment_1col.gif); } .one-column .boxcaption, .one-column .box, .one-column .trackback, .one-column .trackback .title, .one-column #commentnavi, .one-column #related_posts h3, .one-column #related_posts ul { background-image:url(img/box_1col.gif); } .one-column .messagebox, .one-column .errorbox { background-image:url(img/messagebox_1col.gif); } .one-column .post .content .boxcaption, .one-column .post .content .box { background-image:url(img/postbox_1col.gif); } /* one-column END */ /* thread twitter START */ .post .twitter-tweedles { background:#E2F2FB; border:1px dashed #3FCDEB; padding:10px 0 0; } .twitter ul { margin:0 12px 0 10px !important; margin:0 10px; } .post .content .twitter ul li { background:#FCFCFC; padding:0; float:left; list-style:none; list-style-position:outside; border:solid #CCC; border-width:1px !important; border-width:1px 0; width:100%; padding-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; } .twitter img { float:left; padding:0 10px 0 0; margin:0 0 10px 10px; } .twitter_source { color:#999; font-family:georgia; font-style:italic; font-size:10px; } .twitter_source a { color:#999; } .twitter_text { margin-bottom:5px; display:block; padding-left:70px; padding-right:10px; } .twitter_reply { background: url(img/icons.gif) 0 -112px no-repeat; padding-left:22px; padding-right:10px; height:16px; line-height:16px; display:block; font-size:11px; float:right; } .twitter .twitter_pagebar { padding:0 10px; font-size:11px; } .twitter .twitter_pagebar a { background:#D1EAF9; padding:2px 5px; border:1px solid #D1EAF9; } .twitter .twitter_pagebar a:hover { border:1px dashed #3FCDEB; text-decoration:none; } .twitter .twitter_pagebar strong { background:#A6D0E7; padding:2px 5px; border:1px solid #A6D0E7; } .post .content .thread_twitter_power_by { display:block; background:#D1EAF9; border-top:1px dashed #3FCDEB; margin-bottom:0; padding:5px 10px; } .twitter .navigation { padding:10px 5px; } #thread_twitter .loading { padding:0 10px; font-size:11px; } #status_update_form { padding:0 10px 10px; } #status_update_form textarea { width:574px; display:block; margin-bottom:10px; } /* thread twitter END */