File: README.txt
================================== WordPress Theme: Ahren Code Ahimsa ================================== License ------- Thank you for downloading Ahren Code's Ahimsa WordPress theme. This theme is released under the latest version of the GPL (currently v3), whichever that may be at the time of your use. For the GPL, see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. You are free to use this theme for any purpose you choose, in a manner that conforms to the GPL. I would like you to leave the attribution at the bottom of the theme, but you are not required to do so. Installation ------------ Please visit the WordPress site (http://wordpress.org/) for detailed and authoritative instructions on installing themes. For the impatient: it is usually as simple as extracting the archive (which you seem to have already done, since you are reading this file!) and copying the directory ("ahimsa") into your WordPress installation directory under wp-contents/themes. Customisation ------------- Skins ----- Ahimsa supports "skins" -- CSS stylesheets that can be created and modified using the Ahimsa Options page of the Admin section of your blog. Skins can be used to customise the colour scheme of the theme to your liking. You can even share your skins with other users. See the Customisation section of the Ahimsa page: http://ahren.org/code/ahimsa/ Custom Styling -------------- If a skin doesn't go far enough for you, and you are a CSS ninja who wants more control and detail, all you need to do is create a file called "custom.css" in the themestore directory, in which you can add any styles you desire. And when you upgrade Ahimsa, this file is left alone, so your customisations should be safe. The themestore is typically under WP_ROOT/wp-content/themestore/ahimsa, where WP_ROOT is the root directory of your blog's WordPress installation. Notes ----- This is by no means a "best practices", complete or feature-rich theme. At some point, I hope it will be. In particular, you may wish to note the below: * The theme is intended to be bold yet pleasing. YMMV! ;-) It was built, like many other themes, by hacking the default. A cursory look at the contents will demonstrate the rather shallow understanding of the CSS and PHP involved. I hope to clean up most of that in future releases, if there is interest in this theme. * The theme uses rounded-borders using Mozilla/Gecko and WebKit/KHTML/Safari specific CSS attributes. I could use the CSS3 border-radius attribute, and I probably will, but it won't help much since IE does not support it anyway. Rounded borders do work with Google Chrome since it is based on WebKit. * The word "ahimsa" can be taken to mean "non-violence".