File: functions.php
<?php include_once("utils.php"); // i18n load_theme_textdomain('ahimsa'); if( ! is_array(get_option('ahimsa')) ) add_option('ahimsa', array('init' => 1)); $options = get_option('ahimsa'); $sectprefix = $options['sectprefix'] ? "§ " : ""; # defaults if( ! isset($options['showloginout' ]) ) $options['showloginout' ] = 1; if( ! isset($options['showauthors' ]) ) $options['showauthors' ] = 1; if( ! isset($options['defhidesidebar' ]) ) $options['defhidesidebar' ] = 0; if( ! isset($options['defhidesbpages' ]) ) $options['defhidesbpages' ] = 1; if( ! isset($options['sectprefix' ]) ) $options['sectprefix' ] = 1; if( ! isset($options['idxfadepmeta' ]) ) $options['idxfadepmeta' ] = 0; if( ! isset($options['showpagemeta' ]) ) $options['showpagemeta' ] = 1; if( ! isset($options['showpageactions' ]) ) $options['showpageactions' ] = 1; if( ! isset($options['iecorners' ]) ) $options['iecorners' ] = 0; if( ! isset($options['showdelic' ]) ) $options['showdelic' ] = 0; if( ! isset($options['delicid' ]) ) $options['delicid' ] = ""; if( ! isset($options['delictitle' ]) ) $options['delictitle' ] = __("Recent News and Links", "ahimsa"); if( ! isset($options['copyright' ]) ) $options['copyright' ] = ""; if( ! isset($options['skin' ]) ) $options['skin' ] = "none"; if( ! isset($options['logourl' ]) ) $options['logourl' ] = ""; # end defaults update_option('ahimsa', $options); # setup admin menu add_action('admin_menu', 'ahimsa_admin_menu'); if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') ) add_sidebars(); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_sidebars() { global $options, $sectprefix; register_sidebar(array( 'name' => 'leftbar', 'before_widget' => "<fieldset class='sidebarlist'>", 'after_widget' => "</fieldset>", 'before_title' => "<legend>$sectprefix", 'after_title' => "</legend>", )); register_sidebar(array( 'name' => 'rightbar', 'before_widget' => "<fieldset class='sidebarlist'>", 'after_widget' => "</fieldset>", 'before_title' => "<legend>$sectprefix", 'after_title' => "</legend>", )); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ahimsa_admin_menu() { add_theme_page('Ahimsa Options', 'Ahimsa Options', 'edit_themes', "Ahimsa", 'ahimsa_options'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ahimsa_options() { global $options; // TODO: sneak this in here for now check_store_mksymlinks(); if( $_POST['action'] == 'save' ) save_options(); print " <div style= ' clear: right; float: right; margin: 10px 10px 10px 30px; background-color: #fff3cc; color: #000000; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ddc055; width: 25%; ' > <h3>Keep up with Ahimsa For WordPress</h3> <p> Follow on Twitter, or join the Facebook Page. Subscribe to the blog. Create bug/feature requests, download the latest code, and more! </p> <ul> <li style='list-style-type: circle; margin-left: 10px;'> Twitter: <a href='http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23ahimsa-wp'>Ahimsa</a> | <a href='http://twitter.com/ahrencode/'>Ahren Code</a> </li> <li style='list-style-type: circle; margin-left: 10px;'> <a href='http://www.facebook.com/ahrencode'>Facebook</a> </li> <li style='list-style-type: circle; margin-left: 10px;'> <a href='http://ahren.org/code/tag/ahimsa'>Blog</a> </li> <li style='list-style-type: circle; margin-left: 10px;'> GitHub: <a href='http://github.com/ahrencode/Ahimsa-for-WP/'>Home</a> | <a href='http://github.com/ahrencode/Ahimsa-for-WP/issues'>Issues</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div style= ' clear: right; float: right; margin: 10px 10px 10px 30px; background-color: #fff3cc; color: #000000; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ddc055; width: 25%; ' > Want to add your own funky JavaScript or some such in the footer? Create a file <code>" . WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themestore/ahimsa/footer-custom.php</code> and put your code in there. "; if( file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . "/footer-custom.php") ) print " <b>You can do that by using the Theme Editor</b> (<i>Dashboard->Appearance->Editor</i>). "; print " </div> <form id='settings' action='' method='post' class='themeform' style='margin: 20px;'> <h3>General</h3> <input type='hidden' id='action' name='action' value='save'> <input type='checkbox' name='showloginout' id='showloginout'" . ($options['showloginout'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='showloginout'> Show Login/Logout option in Top Menu</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='showauthors' id='showauthors'" . ($options['showauthors'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='showauthors'>Show Authors in Sidebar</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='defhidesidebar' id='defhidesidebar'" . ($options['defhidesidebar'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='defhidesidebar'> Hide Sidebar by default in Main/Home page</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='defhidesbpages' id='defhidesbpages'" . ($options['defhidesbpages'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='defhidesbpages'> Hide Sidebar by default in posts and pages</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='sectprefix' id='sectprefix'" . ($options['sectprefix'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='sectprefix'> Show § symbol as prefix for section headers in sidebar</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='idxfadepmeta' id='idxfadepmeta'" . ($options['idxfadepmeta'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='idxfadepmeta'> In index/home page, fade category, tag, comment links unless hovered over</label> (does not work in IE)</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='showpagemeta' id='showpagemeta'" . ($options['showpagemeta'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='showpagemeta'> Show author and date information for pages</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='showpageactions' id='showpageactions'" . ($options['showpageactions'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='showpageactions'> Show actions and comment feed link box for pages</label><br /> <input type='checkbox' name='iecorners' id='iecorners'" . ($options['iecorners'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='iecorners'> Turn on <b>experimental</b> and <b>partial</b> support for rounded corners in IE </label><br /> <br /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='copyright'> Copyright text: </label> <input type='text' size='50' name='copyright' id='copyright' value='$options[copyright]' /> <br /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='logourl'> URL for logo: </label> <input type='text' size='50' name='logourl' id='logourl' value='$options[logourl]' /> <br/> <br/> <hr size='1'/> <h3>Delicious</h3> (requires the <a href='http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/delicious-for-wordpress/'>del.icio.us for Wordpress</a> plugin.) <br/> <br/> <input type='checkbox' name='showdelic' id='showdelic'" . ($options['showdelic'] == 1 ? ' checked' : '') . " /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='showdelic'> Show 5 recent del.icio.us links for user: </label> <input type='text' name='delicid' value='$options[delicid]' /> <br /> <dd> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='delictitle'> Title for Delicious Links section: </label> <input type='text' name='delictitle' value='$options[delictitle]' /> <br/> </dd> <br clear='all' /> <hr size='1' /> <h3>Ahimsa Skins</h3> <div style=' background-color: #fff3cc; color: #000000; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ddc055; margin: 0px 5px 15px 30px; width: 30%; float: right; clear: right; '> Know your CSS and want to do more detailed customisations? That's easy! Just create a file called <code>" . WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themestore/ahimsa/custom.css</code> and add your custom styling in there. That's it! All customisations in this file should be retained even if you upgrade the theme. "; if( file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . "/custom.css") ) print " <b>You can do that by using the Theme Editor</b> (<i>Dashboard->Appearance->Editor</i>). "; print " <br /> <br /> <hr size='1' /> <br /> Want to share your skin with others? Look up the instructions on the <a href='http://ahren.org/code/ahimsa/'>Ahimsa Page</a>. </div> <input type='checkbox' name='skinupdate' id='skinupdate' /> <label style='margin-left: 5px;' for='skinupdate'>Update Skins</label> <div style='margin-left: 30px; font-size: smaller;'> (PLEASE backup your skin before you attempt this. If you are upgraded Ahimsa by more than one version then you may have to do this update multiple times -- one for each intermediate version.) </div> <br /> <br /> " . skins_menu() . " <br /> <br clear='all' /> <hr size='1'/> <p class='submit'><input type='submit' value='Save Changes' name='save'/></p> </form> "; } $skin_fields = array ( array ( name => "skinpagebgtopbg", desc => "Page Background Top", csssel => "#bgtop", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinpagediv", desc => "Page Background Divider Colour", csssel => "#bgtop", attr => "border-bottom-color" ), array ( name => "skinpagebgbotbg", desc => "Page Background Bottom", csssel => "BODY", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinhyperlinks", desc => "Hyperlinks", csssel => "A", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skincapsulebg", desc => "Default Bubble Background", csssel => ".capsule", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skincapsulefg", desc => "Default Bubble Text Colour", csssel => ".capsule", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinheaderbg", desc => "Header Background", csssel => "#header", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinheaderfg", desc => "Header Text Colour", csssel => "#header, #header table, #header a", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinheadersepcolour", desc => "Colour of Separator Bar in Header", csssel => "#title", attr => "border-right-color" ), array ( name => "skinsidebarbg", desc => "Sidebar Background", csssel => ".sidebar, .tdsidebar", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinsbwidgetbg", desc => "Sidebar Widgets Background", csssel => ".sidebarlist", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinsbwidgetfg", desc => "Sidebar Widgets Text Colour", csssel => ".sidebarlist", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinsblegendbg", desc => "Sidebar Widget Title Background", csssel => ".sidebarlist > legend", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinsblegendfg", desc => "Sidebar Widget Title Text Colour", csssel => ".sidebarlist > legend", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinsblistdiv", desc => "Sidebar/Action Lists Divider Colour", csssel => ".sidebarlist li, #postaction li", attr => "border-top-color" ), array ( name => "skinsblink", desc => "Sidebar Widget Hyperlinks", csssel => ".sidebarlist a", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skincalcaption", desc => "Sidebar Calendar Caption Colour", csssel => "#wp-calendar caption", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skincalheaderbg", desc => "Sidebar Calendar Column Header Background", csssel => "#wp-calendar thead th, #wp-calendar tfoot td.pad", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skincalheaderfg", desc => "Sidebar Calendar Column Header Text Colour", csssel => "#wp-calendar thead th", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skincalcellfg", desc => "Sidebar Calendar Entries Text Colour", csssel => "#wp-calendar tbody td", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skincalnpbg", desc => "Sidebar Calendar Next/Prev Links Background", csssel => "#wp-calendar #next, #wp-calendar #prev", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skincalnpfg", desc => "Sidebar Calendar Next/Prev Links Text Colour", csssel => "#wp-calendar #next, #wp-calendar #prev, #wp-calendar tfoot a", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skintextwdgtfg", desc => "Sidebar Text Widget Text Colour", csssel => ".textwidget", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skincontentbg", desc => "Main Content Background", csssel => "#content", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinpostpagebg", desc => "Post or Page Entry Background", csssel => ".post > fieldset", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinpostpagefg", desc => "Post or Page Entry Text Colour", csssel => ".entry", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinpptitlebg", desc => "Post, Page, Comments Title Background", csssel => ".post .title, #comments > legend, .comment > legend, #responsebox > legend", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinpptitlefg", desc => "Post, Page, Comments Title Text Colour", csssel => ".post .title, .post .title a, " . "#comments > legend, .comment > legend, #responsebox > legend", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinmetabarbg", desc => "Post/Page/Comment Bottom Bar Background", csssel => ".postmetadata", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skincattagbg", desc => "Category/Tag Lists Background", csssel => ".postcattags", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skincattagfg", desc => "Category/Tag Lists Text/Link Colour", csssel => ".postcattags, .postcattags a", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skin1cattagbubblebg", desc => "Single Post Cat/Tag Bubble Background", csssel => "#single .postcattags .capsule", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skin1cattagbubblefg", desc => "Single Post Cat/Tag Bubble Text/Link Colour", csssel => "#single .postcattags .capsule, #single .postcattags .capsule a", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinbqbg", desc => "Blockquote Background", csssel => "blockquote", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinbqfg", desc => "Blockquote Text Colour", csssel => "blockquote", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinlistbg", desc => "Page/Post Ordered/Unordered List Background", csssel => ".entry UL, .entry OL", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinlistfg", desc => "Page/Post Ordered/Unordered Text Colour", csssel => ".entry UL, .entry OL", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinpost1stletterfg", desc => "Post First Letter Colour", csssel => ".entry > P:first-child:first-letter", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinactionbg", desc => "Action Bubbles (Edit, Reply, etc) Background", csssel => ".actbubble", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skinactionfg", desc => "Action Bubbles (Edit, Reply, etc) Text Colour", csssel => ".actbubble, .actbubble a", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skincommentsbg", desc => "Comments Block Background", csssel => "#comments", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skincommentbg", desc => "Comment Background", csssel => "fieldset.comment, fieldset.comment .commenttext", attr => "background-color" ), array ( name => "skincommentfg", desc => "Comment Text Colour", csssel => "fieldset.comment .commenttext", attr => "color" ), array ( name => "skinresponsebg", desc => "Response Box Background", csssel => "#responsebox", attr => "background-color" ) ); function skins_menu() { global $skin_fields, $options; $html = ""; $curskin = $options['skin']; $checked = ($curskin == 'none') ? 'checked' : ""; $html .= "<input type=radio name=skin value=none $checked> None <br/>\n"; $skinfiles = util_get_skin_files(); foreach( $skinfiles as $skinfile ) { $filename = basename($skinfile); $skinname = preg_replace("/^skin_([^\.]+)\.css/", "$1", $filename); $checked = ($skinname == $curskin) ? 'checked' : ""; $html .= " <input type=radio name=skin value='$skinname' $checked> $skinname (<a href='" . get_bloginfo("url") . "?ahimsaskin=$skinname' target=_new>Preview</a>) <br/> "; } if( $curskin != 'none' ) $skinfile_array = read_skin_file(util_get_skin_path($curskin)); else $skinfile_array = array(); $html .= " <br/> <input id='skindo' type='hidden' name='skindo' value='0'/> <a href='javascript: document.getElementById(\"skinedit\").style.display = \"block\"; document.getElementById(\"skindo\").value = \"1\"; exit; '> Edit Current or Create New Skin</a> <div id='skinedit' style='display: none;'> <br/> Caution: if you edit an Ahimsa supplied skin, you really should rename it and save it as a new skin. <h4>Enter Skin Details</h4> <p>(hint: change the name below to create a new skin)</p> Skin name: <input type=text name=skinname size=20 value='$curskin'> <a href='javascript: document.getElementById(\"skinedit\").style.display = \"none\"; document.getElementById(\"skindo\").value = \"0\"; exit; '>Cancel</a> <br/> <br/> <table border=0 cellspacing=0> "; foreach( $skin_fields as $style ) $html .= get_skin_field_html($style, $skinfile_array); $html .= "</table>\n</div>\n"; return($html); } function get_skin_field_html($style, $skinfile_array) { if( isset($skinfile_array[$style['csssel']][$style['attr']]) ) $value = $skinfile_array[$style['csssel']][$style['attr']]; else $value = ""; return (" <tr> <td style='text-align: right; padding: 1px 4px;'> $style[desc]: </td> <td style='padding: 1px 4px;'> <input id='$style[name]' size='7' name='$style[name]' value='$value' onBlur='document.getElementById(\"".$style['name']."clr\").style.backgroundColor = this.value;'> </td> <td> <span id='".$style['name']."clr' style='border: 1px solid #777777;'> </span> <script language='JavaScript'> document.getElementById(\"".$style['name']."clr\").style.backgroundColor = document.getElementById(\"$style[name]\").value; </script> </td> </tr> "); } function save_options() { global $_POST, $options; if( $_POST['skinupdate'] == 'on' ) if( ! update_skins() ) return; if( $_POST['skindo'] == '1' ) if( ! save_skin() ) return; $options['showauthors'] = ( isset($_POST['showauthors']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['showloginout'] = ( isset($_POST['showloginout']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['defhidesidebar'] = ( isset($_POST['defhidesidebar']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['defhidesbpages'] = ( isset($_POST['defhidesbpages']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['sectprefix'] = ( isset($_POST['sectprefix']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['idxfadepmeta'] = ( isset($_POST['idxfadepmeta']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['showpagemeta'] = ( isset($_POST['showpagemeta']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['showpageactions'] = ( isset($_POST['showpageactions']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['iecorners'] = ( isset($_POST['iecorners']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['showdelic'] = ( isset($_POST['showdelic']) ) ? 1 : 0; $options['delicid'] = ( isset($_POST['delicid']) ) ? $_POST['delicid'] : ""; $options['delictitle'] = ( isset($_POST['delictitle']) ) ? $_POST['delictitle'] : __("Recent News and Links", "ahimsa"); $options['copyright'] = ( isset($_POST['copyright']) ) ? $_POST['copyright'] : ""; $options['skin'] = ( isset($_POST['skin']) ) ? $_POST['skin'] : "none"; $options['logourl'] = ( isset($_POST['logourl']) ) ? $_POST['logourl'] : ""; update_option('ahimsa', $options); print " <div class='updated fade' id='message' style='background-color: rgb(255, 251, 204); width: 300px; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 20px'> <p>Ahimsa Settings <strong>saved</strong>.</p> </div> "; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function save_skin() { global $_POST, $options, $skin_fields; if( ! isset($_POST['skinname']) || $_POST['skinname'] == '' ) { ah_admin_error("Oops! Need a name to save a skin!"); return(false); } $skinname = $_POST['skinname']; if( ! preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$/", $skinname) || $skinname == "none" ) { ah_admin_error("Name ($skinname) should be alphabets, numbers, and embedded hyphens.\n"); return(false); } $skincss = ""; foreach( $skin_fields as $field ) { $name = $field['name']; if( ! isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] == '' ) continue; $skincss .= " $field[csssel] { $field[attr]: $_POST[$name]; } "; } return(write_skin_file(WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themestore/ahimsa/skin_$skinname.css", $skincss)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function read_skin_file($skinfile) { if( ! ($styles = @file("$skinfile", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)) ) { ah_admin_error("Unable to read skin file: $skinfile"); return(false); } $cssarray = array(); $state = "ENDBLOCK"; $newskin = ""; $ignore = 0; $cursel = ""; foreach( $styles as $style ) { if( preg_match("/^\s*$/", $style) ) continue; $style = trim($style); if( $state == "ENDBLOCK" ) { $cursel = $style; if( ! is_array($cssarray[$cursel]) ) $cssarray[$cursel] = array(); $state = "STARTBLOCK"; continue; } if( $state == "STARTBLOCK" && preg_match("/^\{$/", $style) ) { $state = "INBLOCK"; continue; } if( $state == "INBLOCK" && preg_match("/^\}$/", $style) ) { $state = "ENDBLOCK"; continue; } if( $state == "INBLOCK" && preg_match("/^([^:]+):\s*([^;]+);$/", $style, $matches) ) $cssarray[$cursel][$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } return($cssarray); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function write_skin_file($filepath, $skincss) { if( !$skinfile = fopen($filepath, 'w') ) { ah_admin_error("Could not create skin file: $filepath"); return(false); } if( fwrite($skinfile, $skincss) === FALSE ) { ah_admin_error("Cannot write to skin file: $filepath"); return(false); } fclose($skinfile); return(true); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function update_skins() { $sel_update_map = array ( ".capsule, .capsule a" => ".capsule", "#header #title" => "#title", "#sidebar fieldset.sidebarlist" => ".sidebarlist", "#sidebar fieldset.sidebarlist" => ".sidebarlist", "#sidebar legend" => ".sidebarlist > legend", "#sidebar legend" => ".sidebarlist > legend", "#sidebar .sidebarlist li, #postaction li" => ".sidebarlist li, #postaction li", "#sidebar #wp-calendar caption" => "#wp-calendar caption", "#sidebar #wp-calendar thead th, #sidebar #wp-calendar tfoot td.pad" => "#wp-calendar thead th, #wp-calendar tfoot td.pad", "#sidebar #wp-calendar thead th" => "#wp-calendar thead th", "#sidebar #wp-calendar tbody td" => "#wp-calendar tbody td", "#sidebar #wp-calendar tfoot td#next, #sidebar #wp-calendar tfoot td#prev" => "#wp-calendar #next, #wp-calendar #prev", "#sidebar #wp-calendar tfoot td#next, #sidebar #wp-calendar tfoot td#prev, " . "#sidebar #wp-calendar tfoot a" => "#wp-calendar #next, #wp-calendar #prev, #wp-calendar tfoot a", "#sidebar .textwidget" => ".textwidget", ".post fieldset" => ".post > fieldset", ".post fieldset legend.title, fieldset#comments legend, " . "fieldset.comment legend, fieldset#responsebox legend" => ".post .title, #comments > legend, .comment > legend, #responsebox > legend", ".post fieldset legend.title, .post fieldset legend.title a, " . "fieldset#comments legend, fieldset.comment legend, " . "fieldset#responsebox legend" => ".post .title, .post .title a, " . "#comments > legend, .comment > legend, #responsebox > legend", ".dateauthor .capsule, .nocomments .capsule" => "REMOVE", "#postaction, .postmetadata .commentlink, .postmetadata .cattrigger, " . ".replybuttonbox .capsule, #respond INPUT#submit" => ".actbubble", "#postaction, .postmetadata .commentlink, .postmetadata .cattrigger, " . "#postaction a, replybuttonbox .capsule, #respond INPUT#submit" => ".actbubble, .actbubble a", "fieldset#comments" => "#comments", "fieldset#responsebox" => "#responsebox", "#sidebar, #tdsidebar" => ".sidebar, .tdsidebar" ); // TODO: some of this code is common to skins_menu() and should be // abstracted rather than duplicated. $skinfiles = util_get_skin_files(); if( ! sizeof($skinfiles) ) { ah_admin_error("No skins!"); return(false); } foreach( $skinfiles as $skinfile ) { $filename = basename($skinfile); if( ! preg_match("/^skin_(.+)\.css$/", $filename, $matches) ) continue; if( ($skinfile_array = read_skin_file($skinfile)) == false ) return(false); $newskin = ""; while( list($sel, $props) = each($skinfile_array) ) { if( isset($sel_update_map[$sel]) ) if( $sel_update_map[$sel] == "REMOVE" ) continue; else $sel = $sel_update_map[$sel]; $newskin .= "$sel\n{\n"; while( list($prop, $val) = each($props) ) $newskin .= "$prop: $val;\n"; $newskin .= "}\n"; } if( ! write_skin_file($skinfile, $newskin) ) return(false); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function check_store_mksymlinks() { $themestore = WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themestore"; $ahimsastore = $themestore . "/ahimsa"; foreach( array($themestore, $ahimsastore) as $dir ) { if( is_dir($dir) ) continue; if( ! @mkdir($dir) ) { ah_admin_error( " A bit of a problem has occurred. I could not create: $dir. This is probably because your WordPress or WebServer (Apache?) installation is such that the webserver program does not have write access to this directory. As a consequence, you cannot use the Skins feature of Ahimsa to create new colour schemes. Don't lose heart entirely. Contact <a href='mailto:code@ahren.org'>me</a> and we can see if there is a way around this situation. "); return; } } // create some symlinks to make editing custom stuff easier foreach( array("custom.css", "footer-custom.php") as $file ) { // fail silently if( ! file_exists("$ahimsastore/$file") ) if( ! @touch("$ahimsastore/$file") ) return; if( ! file_exists(TEMPLATEPATH . "/$file") ) if( function_exists('symlink') && ! @symlink("$ahimsastore/$file", TEMPLATEPATH . "/$file") ) return; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ah_admin_error($msg) { print " <div style= ' background-color: #bb4400; color: #ffffff; padding: 15px 20px; width: 500px; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 20px '> $msg </div> "; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function custom_comment($comment, $args, $depth) { $GLOBALS['comment'] = $comment; ?> <!-- WP automatically closes this tag below in wp_list_comments --> <li <?php comment_class(empty( $args['has_children'] ) ? '' : 'parent') ?> id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>"> <fieldset class='comment'> <legend><?php printf(__("%s writes:", "ahimsa"), comment_author_link()); ?></legend> <div class="capsule dateauthor"> <small> <?php /* translators: this is the comment date/time format. See http://php.net/date */ $comment_date_format = __('F jS, Y'); /* translators: this is the comment date bubble */ printf(__("%1$s at %2$s", 'ahimsa'), comment_date($comment_date_format), comment_time()); ?> </small> </div> <?php if(function_exists('get_avatar')) echo get_avatar(get_comment_author_email(), '50'); ?> <div class='commenttext'> <?php if($comment->comment_approved == '0') : ?> <span class='capsule'><?php _e("Your comment is awaiting moderation.", "ahimsa"); ?></span> <br /> <?php endif; ?> <?php comment_text() ?> </div> <?php global $user_ID; if( $user_ID || get_option('thread_comments') ) : ?> <div class='postmetadata replybuttonbox'> <?php global $user_ID; if( $user_ID ) : ?> <span class='capsule actbubble'> <?php /* translators: this is the comment edit button/link */ edit_comment_link(__('Edit', "ahimsa"),' ',''); ?> </span> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( get_option('thread_comments') ) : ?> <span class="capsule actbubble"> <!-- spaces needed for Safari to render rounded corners! --> <?php comment_reply_link( array_merge( $args, array('depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']))) ?> </span> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </fieldset> <?php } ?>