File: jscolor.js
/** * JavaScript Color Picker * * @author Honza Odvarko, http://odvarko.cz * @copyright Honza Odvarko * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License * @version 1.0.8 * @link http://jscolor.com */ jscolor_register() // register jscolor_init() at page load function jscolor_register() { if(typeof window.onload == 'function') { var f = window.onload window.onload = function() { if(f)/* IE7 */ f() jscolor_init() } } else { window.onload = jscolor_init } } function jscolor_init() { // bind <input class="..."> elements var bindClass = 'color' // set field's background according selected color? var reflectOnBackground = true // prepend field's color code with # var leadingHash = false // allow an empty value in the field instead of setting it to #000000 var allowEmpty = false // spectrum's width and height // var HVSize = [ 720, 404 ] // huge var HVSize = [ 540, 303 ] // large //var HVSize = [ 360, 202 ] // normal //var HVSize = [ 180, 101 ] // small var padding = 10 var borderWidth = 1 var HVCrossSize = [ 15, 15 ] var SSize = 66 var SArrowSize = [ 7, 11 ] var SSampleSize = 4 var ClientSliderSize = 18 var instanceId = 0 var instance var elements = {} var dir = function() { var base = location.href var e = document.getElementsByTagName('base') for(var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { if(e[i].href) base = e[i].href } var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script') for(var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { if(e[i].src) { var src = new URI(e[i].src) if(/\/jscolor\.js$/.test(src.path)) { var srcAbs = src.toAbsolute(base).toString() delete srcAbs.query delete srcAbs.fragment return srcAbs.replace(/[^\/]+$/, '') // remove filename from path } } } return false }() function createDialog() { // dialog elements.dialog = document.createElement('div') setStyle(elements.dialog, { 'zIndex' : '100', 'clear' : 'both', 'position' : 'absolute', 'width' : HVSize[0]+SSize+3*padding+'px', 'height' : HVSize[1]+2*padding+'px', 'border' : borderWidth+'px solid ThreeDHighlight', 'borderRightColor' : 'ThreeDShadow', 'borderBottomColor' : 'ThreeDShadow', 'background' : "url('"+dir+"hv"+HVSize[0]+'x'+HVSize[1]+".png') "+padding+"px "+padding+"px no-repeat ThreeDFace" }) elements.dialog.onmousedown = function() { instance.preserve = true } elements.dialog.onmousemove = function(e) { if(instance.holdHV) setHV(e) if(instance.holdS) setS(e) } elements.dialog.onmouseup = elements.dialog.onmouseout = function() { if(instance.holdHV || instance.holdS) { instance.holdHV = instance.holdS = false if(typeof instance.input.onchange == 'function') instance.input.onchange() } instance.input.focus() } // hue/value spectrum elements.hv = document.createElement('div') setStyle(elements.hv, { 'position' : 'absolute', 'left' : '0', 'top' : '0', 'width' : HVSize[0]+2*padding+'px', 'height' : HVSize[1]+2*padding+'px', 'background' : "url('"+dir+"cross.gif') no-repeat", 'cursor' : 'crosshair' }) var setHV = function(e) { var p = getMousePos(e) var relX = p[0]<instance.posHV[0] ? 0 : (p[0]-instance.posHV[0]>HVSize[0]-1 ? HVSize[0]-1 : p[0]-instance.posHV[0]) var relY = p[1]<instance.posHV[1] ? 0 : (p[1]-instance.posHV[1]>HVSize[1]-1 ? HVSize[1]-1 : p[1]-instance.posHV[1]) instance.color.setHSV(6/HVSize[0]*relX, null, 1-1/(HVSize[1]-1)*relY) updateDialogPointers() updateDialogSaturation() updateInput(instance.input, instance.color, null) } elements.hv.onmousedown = function(e) { instance.holdHV = true; setHV(e) } elements.dialog.appendChild(elements.hv) // saturation gradient elements.grad = document.createElement('div') setStyle(elements.grad, { 'position' : 'absolute', 'left' : HVSize[0]+SArrowSize[0]+2*padding+'px', 'top' : padding+'px', 'width' : SSize-SArrowSize[0]+'px' }) // saturation gradient's samples for(var i=0; i+SSampleSize<=HVSize[1]; i+=SSampleSize) { var g = document.createElement('div') g.style.height = SSampleSize+'px' g.style.fontSize = '1px' g.style.lineHeight = '0' elements.grad.appendChild(g) } elements.dialog.appendChild(elements.grad) // saturation slider elements.s = document.createElement('div') setStyle(elements.s, { 'position' : 'absolute', 'left' : HVSize[0]+2*padding+'px', 'top' : '0', 'width' : SSize+padding+'px', 'height' : HVSize[1]+2*padding+'px', 'background' : "url('"+dir+"s.gif') no-repeat" }) // IE 5 fix try { elements.s.style.cursor = 'pointer' } catch(eOldIE) { elements.s.style.cursor = 'hand' } var setS = function(e) { var p = getMousePos(e) var relY = p[1]<instance.posS[1] ? 0 : (p[1]-instance.posS[1]>HVSize[1]-1 ? HVSize[1]-1 : p[1]-instance.posS[1]) instance.color.setHSV(null, 1-1/(HVSize[1]-1)*relY, null) updateDialogPointers() updateInput(instance.input, instance.color, null) } elements.s.onmousedown = function(e) { instance.holdS = true; setS(e) } elements.dialog.appendChild(elements.s) } function showDialog(input) { var is = [ input.offsetWidth, input.offsetHeight ] var ip = getElementPos(input) var sp = getScrollPos() var ws = getWindowSize() var ds = [ HVSize[0]+SSize+3*padding+2*borderWidth, HVSize[1]+2*padding+2*borderWidth ] var dp = [ -sp[0]+ip[0]+ds[0] > ws[0]-ClientSliderSize ? (-sp[0]+ip[0]+is[0]/2 > ws[0]/2 ? ip[0]+is[0]-ds[0] : ip[0]) : ip[0], -sp[1]+ip[1]+is[1]+ds[1] > ws[1]-ClientSliderSize ? (-sp[1]+ip[1]+is[1]/2 > ws[1]/2 ? ip[1]-ds[1] : ip[1]+is[1]) : ip[1]+is[1] ] instanceId++ instance = { input : input, color : new color(input.value), preserve : false, holdHV : false, holdS : false, posHV : [ dp[0]+borderWidth+padding, dp[1]+borderWidth+padding ], posS : [ dp[0]+borderWidth+HVSize[0]+2*padding, dp[1]+borderWidth+padding ] } updateDialogPointers() updateDialogSaturation() elements.dialog.style.left = dp[0]+'px' elements.dialog.style.top = dp[1]+'px' document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(elements.dialog) } function hideDialog() { var b = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] b.removeChild(elements.dialog) instance = null } function updateDialogPointers() { // update hue/value cross var x = Math.round(instance.color.hue/6*HVSize[0]) var y = Math.round((1-instance.color.value)*(HVSize[1]-1)) elements.hv.style.backgroundPosition = (padding-Math.floor(HVCrossSize[0]/2)+x)+'px '+ (padding-Math.floor(HVCrossSize[1]/2)+y)+'px' // update saturation arrow var y = Math.round((1-instance.color.saturation)*HVSize[1]) elements.s.style.backgroundPosition = '0 '+(padding-Math.floor(SArrowSize[1]/2)+y)+'px' } function updateDialogSaturation() { // update saturation gradient var r, g, b, s, c = [ instance.color.value, 0, 0 ] var i = Math.floor(instance.color.hue) var f = i%2 ? instance.color.hue-i : 1-(instance.color.hue-i) switch(i) { case 6: case 0: r=0;g=1;b=2; break case 1: r=1;g=0;b=2; break case 2: r=2;g=0;b=1; break case 3: r=2;g=1;b=0; break case 4: r=1;g=2;b=0; break case 5: r=0;g=2;b=1; break } var gr = elements.grad.childNodes for(var i=0; i<gr.length; i++) { s = 1 - 1/(gr.length-1)*i c[1] = c[0] * (1 - s*f) c[2] = c[0] * (1 - s) gr[i].style.backgroundColor = 'rgb('+(c[r]*100)+'%,'+(c[g]*100)+'%,'+(c[b]*100)+'%)' } } function bindInputs() { var onfocus = function() { if(instance && instance.preserve) { instance.preserve = false } else { showDialog(this) } } var onblur = function() { if(instance && instance.preserve) return var This = this var Id = instanceId setTimeout(function() { if(instance && instance.preserve) return if(instance && instanceId == Id) hideDialog() // if dialog hasn't been already shown by another instance updateInput(This, new color(This.value), This.value) }, 0) } var setcolor = function(str) { var c = new color(str) updateInput(this, c, str) if(instance && instance.input == this) { instance.color = c updateDialogPointers() updateDialogSaturation() } } var e = document.getElementsByTagName('input') var matchClass = new RegExp('\\s'+bindClass+'\\s') for(var i=0; i<e.length; i++) { if(e[i].type == 'text' && matchClass.test(' '+e[i].className+' ')) { e[i].originalStyle = { 'color' : e[i].style.color, 'backgroundColor' : e[i].style.backgroundColor } e[i].setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off') e[i].onfocus = onfocus e[i].onblur = onblur e[i].setcolor = setcolor updateInput(e[i], new color(e[i].value), e[i].value) } } } function updateInput(e, color, realValue) { if(allowEmpty && realValue != null && !/^\s*#?([0-9A-F]{3}([0-9A-F]{3})?)\s*$/i.test(realValue)) { e.value = '' if(reflectOnBackground) { e.style.backgroundColor = e.originalStyle.backgroundColor e.style.color = e.originalStyle.color } } else { e.value = (leadingHash?'#':'')+color if(reflectOnBackground) { e.style.backgroundColor = '#'+color e.style.color = 0.212671 * color.red + 0.715160 * color.green + 0.072169 * color.blue < 0.5 ? '#FFF' : '#000' } } } function setStyle(e, properties) { for(var p in properties) eval('e.style.'+p+' = properties[p]') } function getElementPos(e) { var x=0, y=0 if(e.offsetParent) { do { x += e.offsetLeft y += e.offsetTop } while(e = e.offsetParent) } return [ x, y ] } function getMousePos(e) { if(!e) var e = window.event var x=0, y=0 if(typeof e.pageX == 'number') { x = e.pageX y = e.pageY } else if(typeof e.clientX == 'number') { x = e.clientX+document.documentElement.scrollLeft+document.body.scrollLeft y = e.clientY+document.documentElement.scrollTop+document.body.scrollTop } return [ x, y ] } function getScrollPos() { var x=0, y=0 if(typeof window.pageYOffset == 'number') { x = window.pageXOffset y = window.pageYOffset } else if(document.body && (document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop)) { x = document.body.scrollLeft y = document.body.scrollTop } else if(document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop)) { x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft y = document.documentElement.scrollTop } return [ x, y ] } function getWindowSize() { var w=0, h=0 if(typeof window.innerWidth == 'number') { w = window.innerWidth h = window.innerHeight } else if(document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) { w = document.documentElement.clientWidth h = document.documentElement.clientHeight } else if(document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) { w = document.body.clientWidth h = document.body.clientHeight } return [ w, h ] } function color(hex) { this.hue = 0 // 0-6 this.saturation = 0 // 0-1 this.value = 0 // 0-1 this.red = 0 // 0-1 this.green = 0 // 0-1 this.blue = 0 // 0-1 this.setRGB = function(r, g, b) { // null = don't change var hsv = RGB_HSV( r==null ? this.red : (this.red=r), g==null ? this.green : (this.green=g), b==null ? this.blue : (this.blue=b) ) if(hsv[0] != null) { this.hue = hsv[0] } this.saturation = hsv[1] this.value = hsv[2] } this.setHSV = function(h, s, v) { // null = don't change var rgb = HSV_RGB( h==null ? this.hue : (this.hue=h), s==null ? this.saturation : (this.saturation=s), v==null ? this.value : (this.value=v) ) this.red = rgb[0] this.green = rgb[1] this.blue = rgb[2] } function RGB_HSV(r, g, b) { var n = Math.min(Math.min(r,g),b) var v = Math.max(Math.max(r,g),b) var m = v - n if(m == 0) return [ null, 0, v ] var h = r==n ? 3+(b-g)/m : (g==n ? 5+(r-b)/m : 1+(g-r)/m) return [ h==6?0:h, m/v, v ] } function HSV_RGB(h, s, v) { if(h == null) return [ v, v, v ] var i = Math.floor(h) var f = i%2 ? h-i : 1-(h-i) var m = v * (1 - s) var n = v * (1 - s*f) switch(i) { case 6: case 0: return [ v, n, m ] case 1: return [ n, v, m ] case 2: return [ m, v, n ] case 3: return [ m, n, v ] case 4: return [ n, m, v ] case 5: return [ v, m, n ] } } this.setString = function(hex) { var m = hex.match(/^\s*#?([0-9A-F]{3}([0-9A-F]{3})?)\s*$/i) if(m) { if(m[1].length==6) { // 6x hex this.setRGB( parseInt(m[1].substr(0,2),16)/255, parseInt(m[1].substr(2,2),16)/255, parseInt(m[1].substr(4,2),16)/255 ) } else { // 3x hex this.setRGB( parseInt(m[1].charAt(0)+m[1].charAt(0),16)/255, parseInt(m[1].charAt(1)+m[1].charAt(1),16)/255, parseInt(m[1].charAt(2)+m[1].charAt(2),16)/255 ) } } else { this.setRGB(0,0,0) return false } } this.toString = function() { var r = Math.round(this.red * 255).toString(16) var g = Math.round(this.green * 255).toString(16) var b = Math.round(this.blue * 255).toString(16) return ( (r.length==1 ? '0'+r : r)+ (g.length==1 ? '0'+g : g)+ (b.length==1 ? '0'+b : b) ).toUpperCase() } if(hex) { this.setString(hex) } } function URI(uri) { // See RFC3986 this.scheme = null this.authority = null this.path = '' this.query = null this.fragment = null this.parse = function(uri) { var m = uri.match(/^(([A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z+.-]*)(:))?((\/\/)([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)((\?)([^#]*))?((#)(.*))?/) this.scheme = m[3] ? m[2] : null this.authority = m[5] ? m[6] : null this.path = m[7] this.query = m[9] ? m[10] : null this.fragment = m[12] ? m[13] : null return this } this.toString = function() { var result = '' if(this.scheme != null) result = result + this.scheme + ':' if(this.authority != null) result = result +'//'+ this.authority if(this.path != null) result = result + this.path if(this.query != null) result = result + '?'+ this.query if(this.fragment != null) result = result + '#'+ this.fragment return result } this.toAbsolute = function(base) { var base = new URI(base) var r = this var t = new URI if(base.scheme == null) return false if(r.scheme != null && r.scheme.toLowerCase() == base.scheme.toLowerCase()) { r.scheme = null } if(r.scheme != null) { t.scheme = r.scheme t.authority = r.authority t.path = removeDotSegments(r.path) t.query = r.query } else { if(r.authority != null) { t.authority = r.authority t.path = removeDotSegments(r.path) t.query = r.query } else { if(r.path == '') { t.path = base.path if(r.query != null) { t.query = r.query } else { t.query = base.query } } else { if(r.path.substr(0,1) == '/') { t.path = removeDotSegments(r.path) } else { if(base.authority != null && base.path == '') { t.path = '/'+r.path } else { t.path = base.path.replace(/[^\/]+$/,'')+r.path } t.path = removeDotSegments(t.path) } t.query = r.query } t.authority = base.authority } t.scheme = base.scheme } t.fragment = r.fragment return t } function removeDotSegments(path) { var out = '' while(path) { if(path.substr(0,3)=='../' || path.substr(0,2)=='./') { path = path.replace(/^\.+/,'').substr(1) } else if(path.substr(0,3)=='/./' || path=='/.') { path = '/'+path.substr(3) } else if(path.substr(0,4)=='/../' || path=='/..') { path = '/'+path.substr(4) out = out.replace(/\/?[^\/]*$/, '') } else if(path=='.' || path=='..') { path = '' } else { var rm = path.match(/^\/?[^\/]*/)[0] path = path.substr(rm.length) out = out + rm } } return out } if(uri) { this.parse(uri) } } // init createDialog() bindInputs() }