File: template_multi_column_custom_query.php
<?php /* Template Name: JUGGLEDAD's multi column/custom query Version: 1.6 = 1.6 = * added code for for 'more' processing = 1.5 = * added code for center widget area from Atahualpa 3.7.12 = 1.4 = * added option to control the number of full posts vrs excerpts to show = 1.3 = * added even some more error checking = 1.2 = * added some more error checking = 1.1 = * added error checking = 1.0 = * original release LICENSE: "JUGGLEDAD's multi column/custom query" is a template for the Atahualpa theme Copyright (C) 2011 Paul M Woodard, The User's Guru (www.theusersguru.com) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. For a copy of the GNU General Public License go to 'www.gnu.org/licenses' */ ?> <?php list($bfa_ata, $cols, $left_col, $left_col2, $right_col, $right_col2, $bfa_ata['h_blogtitle'], $bfa_ata['h_posttitle']) = bfa_get_options(); global $bfa_pagetemplate_name, $bfa_pagetemplate_full_post_count, $bfa_ata_postcount, $more; get_header(); extract($bfa_ata); $bfa_ata_postcount = 0; $mccq_page = new WP_Query('page_id=' . $post->ID); /* save the page id */ $mccq_page->the_post(); $number_of_columns = 1; $posts_above_the_column = 0; $mccq_args = 'post_status=publish'; $show_page_title = 'no'; $show_page_text = 'no'; $custom_fields = get_post_custom($post->ID); $bfa_pagetemplate_name = 'template_multi_column_custom_query.php'; $number_of_full_posts = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the custom query // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $my_custom_field = $custom_fields['custom_query']; if (is_array($my_custom_field)) { foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ) { if ($key == 'custom_query') {$mccq_args= $value;} } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the show_page_title // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $my_custom_field = $custom_fields['show_page_title']; if (is_array($my_custom_field)) { foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ) { if ($key == 'show_page_title') { $show_page_title = strtolower($value); if (($show_page_title != 'yes') AND ($show_page_title != 'no')) { ?> <br><strong><font color="Crimson">Warning:</font> your value for 'show_page_title' on page '<?php the_title(); ?>' must be 'yes' or 'no' - please edit the page and set the value correctly</strong><br> <?php } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the number_of_full_posts // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $my_custom_field = $custom_fields['number_of_full_posts']; if (is_array($my_custom_field)) { foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ) { if ($key == 'number_of_full_posts') { $number_of_full_posts = strtolower($value); if ((!is_numeric($number_of_full_posts)) OR ($number_of_full_posts < 0)) { ?> <br><strong><font color="Crimson">Warning:</font> your value for 'number_of_full_posts' on page '<?php the_title(); ?>' is not numeric or is a negative number - please edit the page and set the value correctly</strong><br> <?php } } } } $bfa_pagetemplate_full_post_count = $number_of_full_posts; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the show_page_text // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $my_custom_field = $custom_fields['show_page_text']; if (is_array($my_custom_field)) { foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ) { if ($key == 'show_page_text') { $show_page_text = strtolower($value); if (($show_page_text != 'yes') AND ($show_page_text != 'no')) { ?> <br><strong><font color="Crimson">Warning:</font> your value for 'show_page_text' on page '<?php the_title(); ?>' must be 'yes' or 'no' - please edit the page and set the value correctly</strong><br> <?php } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the posts_above_the_column // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $my_custom_field = $custom_fields['posts_above_the_column']; if (is_array($my_custom_field)) { foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ) { if ($key == 'posts_above_the_column') { $posts_above_the_column = $value; if ((!is_numeric($posts_above_the_column)) OR ($posts_above_the_column < 0)) { ?> <br><strong><font color="Crimson">Warning:</font> your value for 'posts_above_the_column' on page '<?php the_title(); ?>' is not numeric or is a negative number - please edit the page and set the value correctly</strong><br> <?php } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the number_of_columns // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $my_custom_field = $custom_fields['number_of_columns']; if (is_array($my_custom_field)) { foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ) { if ($key == 'number_of_columns') { $number_of_columns = $value; if ((!is_numeric($number_of_columns)) OR ($number_of_columns < 1)) { ?> <br><strong><font color="Crimson">Warning:</font> your value for 'number_of_columns' on page '<?php the_title(); ?>' is not numeric or is less than 1 - please edit the page and set the value correctly</strong><br> <?php } } } } // wp_reset_query(); $paged = get_query_var('paged'); if (!$paged) { $paged = get_query_var('page'); if (!$paged) { $paged = 0; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Should we show the page title? // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($show_page_title == 'yes') { bfa_post_kicker('<div class="post-kicker">','</div>'); bfa_post_headline('<div class="post-headline">','</div>'); bfa_post_byline('<div class="post-byline">','</div>'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Should we show the page text? // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($show_page_text=='yes' ) { bfa_post_bodycopy('<div class="post-bodycopy clearfix">','</div>'); } $mccq_args= $mccq_args."&paged=$paged"; ?> <?php /* =================================== THIS SECTION WILL PROCESS THE POSTS =================================== */ ?> <?php $more = 0; query_posts($mccq_args); /* If there are any posts: */ if (have_posts()) : $bfa_ata_postcount = 0; /* Postcount needed for option "XX first posts full posts, rest excerpts" */ ?> <?php if ($bfa_ata['widget_center_top'] <> '') { echo bfa_parse_widget_areas($bfa_ata['widget_center_top']); } ?> <?php // Deactivated since 3.6.5 # include 'bfa://content_above_loop'; // Uses the following static code instead: ?> <?php bfa_next_previous_page_links('Top'); // For MULTI post pages if activated at ATO -> Next/Previous Navigation: ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <?php $column_cnt = 1; ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $bfa_ata_postcount++; ?> <?php if ($column_cnt == 1) { echo "<tr>"; } if ($bfa_ata_postcount <= $posts_above_the_column) { ?> <td id="mccq-header" colspan="<?php echo $number_of_columns;?>"> <?php } else { ?> <td class="mccq_column<?php echo $column_cnt;?>" style="vertical-align: top"> <?php } ?> <?php // Deactivated since 3.6.5 #include 'bfa://content_inside_loop'; // Uses the following static code instead: ?> <?php bfa_next_previous_post_links('Top'); // For SINGLE post pages if activated at ATO -> Next/Previous Navigation ?> <?php /* Post Container starts here */ if ( function_exists('post_class') ) { ?> <div <?php if ( is_page() ) { post_class('post'); } else { post_class(); } ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <?php } else { ?> <div class="<?php echo ( is_page() ? 'page ' : '' ) . 'post" id="post-'; the_ID(); ?>"> <?php } ?> <?php bfa_post_kicker('<div class="post-kicker">','</div>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_headline('<div class="post-headline">','</div>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_byline('<div class="post-byline">','</div>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_bodycopy('<div class="post-bodycopy clearfix">','</div>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_pagination('<p class="post-pagination"><strong>'.__('Pages:','atahualpa').'</strong>','</p>'); ?> <?php bfa_post_footer('<div class="post-footer">','</div>'); ?> </div><!-- / Post --> </td> <?php if ($bfa_ata_postcount <= $posts_above_the_column) { ?> </tr> <?php $column_cnt=0; } ?> <?php $column_cnt++; if ($column_cnt > $number_of_columns) { echo "</tr>"; $column_cnt=1; } ?> <?php endwhile; ?> </table> <?php // Deactivated since 3.6.5 # include 'bfa://content_below_loop'; // Uses the following static code instead: ?> <?php bfa_next_previous_post_links('Middle'); // Displayed on SINGLE post pages if activated at ATO -> Next/Previous Navigation: ?> <?php bfa_get_comments(); // Load Comments template (on single post pages, and static pages, if set on options page): ?> <?php bfa_next_previous_post_links('Bottom'); // Displayed on SINGLE post pages if activated at ATO -> Next/Previous Navigation: ?> <?php bfa_archives_page('<div class="archives-page">','</div>'); // Archives Pages. Displayed on a specific static page, if configured at ATO -> Archives Pages: ?> <?php bfa_next_previous_page_links('Bottom'); // Displayed on MULTI post pages if activated at ATO -> Next/Previous Navigation: ?> <?php if ($bfa_ata['widget_center_bottom'] <> '') { echo bfa_parse_widget_areas($bfa_ata['widget_center_bottom']); } ?> <?php /* END of: If there are any posts */ else : /* If there are no posts: */ ?> <?php // Deactivated since 3.6.5 #include 'bfa://content_not_found'; // Uses the following static code instead: ?> <h2><?php _e('Not Found','atahualpa'); ?></h2> <p><?php _e("Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.","atahualpa"); ?></p> <?php endif; /* END of: If there are no posts */ ?> <?php $wp_query = $mccq_page; /* reset the page id */ ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>