File: README.txt
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes for monochrome ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version:3.0.4 Live demo http://www.mono-lab.net/demo1/ Plese send me your language file! mail@mono-lab.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ver3.0.4 2010/06/06 Fixed page navigation. ver3.0.3 2010/06/01 Add new function. ver3.0 2010/04/16 Add new function.Fix style sheet and javascript error. ver2.6 2009/12/27 Add German language support. (Thank you Uli.) ver2.5 2009/12/20 Add Turkish language support. (Thank you Huseyin. http://gokekin.com) ver2.4 2009/12/07 Add Traditional Chinese language support. (Thank you Morgan.) ver2.3 2009/11/02 Add [EDIT] link in page-noside.php and page-noside-nocomment.php ver2.2 2009/09/21 Add Korean language support. (Thank you Jong-In. http://incommunity.codex.kr) Add Spanish language support. (Thank you Ignacio. http://www.germanyague.com) Add Dutch language support. (Thank you Niels. http://ritme.levendebrief.nl) ver2.1 2009/09/07 Add Catalan language support. (Thank you Marc. http://nuvolsgratis.cat/) ver2.0 2009/09/05 Add [ Exclude Pages and Categories form Header menu ] function. Change format of copyright date (Thank you Jan. ) Fixed style.css ( hover color for even post ) Added Russian language support. (Thank you x-demon. http://x-demon.org/) ver1.7 2009/09/02 Added Brazilian portuguese language support. (Thank you Vinicius. http://vinicius.soylocoporti.org.br/) Added Polish language support. (Thank you Karol.) ver1.6 2009/08/12 Added Chinese language support. (Thank you joojen. http://www.keege.com/) ver1.5 2009/08/02 Added Ukrainian language support. (Thank you Sasha.) ver1.4 2009/07/29 Fixed comment date.Plese replace "functions.php" and "comment.php" with new one. (Thank you chichi.) ver1.3 2009/07/26 Added French language support. (Thank you Reaves. http://www.catsjumping.com ) ver1.2 2009/07/25 Added Danish language support. (Thank you Georg. http://wordpress.blogos.dk/ ) ver1.1 2009/07/23 fixed page-nocomment.php,page-nocomment-noinfo.php,page-noside.php,page-noside-nocomment.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightbox problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This theme is using jQuery for javascript. So to work lightbox correctly plese try this WP-Slimbox plugin. WP-Slimbox2 (lightbox based on jQuery) http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-slimbox2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- License ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.