File: help.html.compiled
# This file is a compiled version of a template that can be run much faster # than reparsing the file, yet accomplishes the same thing. You should not # attempt to modify this file as any changes you make would be lost as soon as # the original template file is modified. # Editor: vim:syn=perl # Generated: Thu Apr 21 20:26:44 2016, using GT::Template::Parser v2.159 local $^W; { files => [['help.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help.html',1449257597,23858],['help_setup.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_setup.html',1449257597,2885],['help_password.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_password.html',1449257597,158],['help_preferences.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_preferences.html',1449257597,1375],['help_user.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_user.html',1449257597,1818],['help_logs.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_logs.html',1449257597,1010],['help_search.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_search.html',1449257597,1963],['help_replace.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_replace.html',1449257597,1958],['help_command.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_command.html',1449257597,392],['help_upload.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_upload.html',1449257597,1036],['help_file.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_file.html',1449257597,550],['help_makedir.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_makedir.html',1449257597,286],['help_protect.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_protect.html',1449257597,1168],['help_download.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_download.html',1449257597,973],['help_symlink.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_symlink.html',1449257597,411],['help_copy.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_copy.html',1449257597,154],['help_move.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_move.html',1449257597,322],['help_rename.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_rename.html',1449257597,240],['help_compress.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_compress.html',1449257597,620],['help_uncompress.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_uncompress.html',1449257597,478],['help_chmod.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_chmod.html',1449257597,514],['help_perl.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_perl.html',1449257597,214],['help_tail.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_tail.html',1449257597,508],['help_diff.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_diff.html',1449257597,818]], parser_version => 2.170, code => \>::Template::parsed_template }; sub GT::Template::parsed_template { local $^W; # Get rid of warnings. This won't work for Perl 5.6's -W switch my $self = shift; my $return = ''; my $tags = $self->vars; my $escape = $self->{opt}->{escape}; my $strict = $self->{opt}->{strict}; my ($tmp, $tmp2, $tmp3); $return .= q{<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Gossamer FileMan - File Manager</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/shtml; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.template}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/luna.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var help_section = 'introduction'; var icons = \{ plus : "}; $return .= $self->_call_func('GT::FileMan::image_url', 1, 0, q{plus.gif}); $return .= q{", minus : "}; $return .= $self->_call_func('GT::FileMan::image_url', 1, 0, q{minus.gif}); $return .= q{" \} $(document).ready(function() \{ $('#leftsidebar img[name]').css('cursor', 'pointer').each(function() \{ var $img = $(this); $img.click(function() \{ var ul = $('#nav' + $img.attr('name')); if (ul.is(':hidden')) \{ ul.show(); $img.attr('src', icons.minus); \} else \{ ul.hide(); $img.attr('src', icons.plus); \} \}); \}); $('.helpnav a[rel]').each(function() \{ var link = $(this); link.click(function() \{ if (help_section && help_section != link.attr('rel')) $('#' + help_section).hide(); $('#' + link.attr('rel')).show(); help_section = link.attr('rel'); \}); \}); \}); //]]> </script> </head> <body id="help" style="overflow: auto"> <div id="ocwrapper" class="clear"> <div id="icwrapper" class="clear"> <div id="leftsidebar"> <div id="helpbar"> <h3 class="header">Help Contents</h3> <ul class="helpnav"> <li> <img name="usefm" src="}; $return .= $self->_call_func('GT::FileMan::image_url', 1, 0, q{minus.gif}); $return .= q{" title="FileMan" /> <a href="#" rel="introduction">Using Gossamer FileMan</a> <ul id="navusefm"> <li><a href="#" rel="introduction">Welcome to FileMan</a></li> <li class="end"><a href="#" rel="interface">Interface</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <img name="commands" src="}; $return .= $self->_call_func('GT::FileMan::image_url', 1, 0, q{plus.gif}); $return .= q{" title="The Toolbar" /> <a href="#" rel="commands-content">The Toolbar</a> <ul id="navcommands" class="hide"> <li><a href="#" rel="search">Search</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="replace">Replace</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="command">Command</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="upload">Upload</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="file">New File</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="folder">New Folder</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="protect">Protect</a></li> <li class="end"> <img name="settings" src="}; $return .= $self->_call_func('GT::FileMan::image_url', 1, 0, q{plus.gif}); $return .= q{" title="Settings" /> <a href="#" rel="toolbar-settings" class="subnav">Settings</a> <ul id="navsettings" class="hide"> <li><a href="#" rel="setup">Setup</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="preferences">Preferences</a></li>}; if ($self->_get_var(q{cfg.fversion}, { escape => 0, strict => 0, merge => 0 }) eq q{multiple}) { $return .= q{ <li><a href="#" rel="users">User Management</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="logs">Browser Logs</a></li> }; } $return .= q{<li class="end"><a href="#" rel="env">Environment</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <img name="actions" src="}; $return .= $self->_call_func('GT::FileMan::image_url', 1, 0, q{plus.gif}); $return .= q{" title="The Actions" /> <a href="#" rel="actions-content">The Actions</a> <ul id="navactions" class="hide"> <li><a href="#" rel="download">Download</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="symlink">Symlink</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="copy">Copy</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="move">Move</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="rename">Rename</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="delete">Delete</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="compress">Compress</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="uncompress">Uncompress</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="chmod">Chmod</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="tail">Tail</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="perl">Perl Check</a></li> <li><a href="#" rel="diff">Diff</a></li> <li class="end"><a href="#" rel="print">Print</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="contentwrapper" class="shadowleft"> <div class="shadowtop"><div class="shadowtopleft"></div><div class="shadowtopright"></div></div> <div class="shadowright"> <div id="content"> <div id="introduction"> <h1>Introduction</h1> <div class="clear"> <p style="float: right"><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/dir-structure.gif" alt="Directory Structure" /></p> <p>FileMan users who are unfamiliar with file management should read this section to gain a basic understanding of directories, paths, and other related concepts. Users who feel confident in their understanding of these concepts can proceed to the next three sections, which will deal with FileMan's structure and features.</p> <p>File management is key to all computer systems, from basic home PC's to elaborate servers. A well-structured system of files not only enables you to find resources quickly and easily, but also lets you provide web access to files you wish to make accessible online.</p> <p>Files are organized using directories (folders). Directories contain files and other directories. When using FileMan, you will have one root directory which will contain all other directories and files. It might help to visualize your directory structure as a sort of tree diagram, with directories and files "branching down" from your one root directory.</p> <p>This illustration shows the structure of a hypothetical web domain account. In FileMan, as well as many other applications, file locations are specified using paths. Paths are strings of text that define the location of a file by providing the name of each directory and sub-directory (separated by forward slashes) that must be opened to find the file. Paths usually begin with a forward slash: /. The forward slash symbolizes the root directory. The path to the "currentlogo.jpg" file in this illustration would be: <br /><b>since the "currentlogo.jpg" file is found in the "logos" directory, found in the "images" folder which is itself located in the root directory.</b></p> <p>FileMan allows you to view and manage your files using directories and paths. While managing files in FileMan, the path to a directory will be displayed in the Toolbar (see below for details), with all of the files and directories in that directory displayed in the Files menu (see below for details).</p> <p>It is recommended that you do not use any blank spaces while naming directories or files; some web browsers cannot process them. It is also recommended that you do not use upper-case letters in directory and file names; paths are case sensitive online, and upper-case letters are usually avoided to avoid confusion.</p> </div> </div> <div id="interface" class="hide"> <h1>Interface</h1> <p>There are three main components of FileMan: the Toolbar (appears at the top of the page), the Files menu (the list of directories, files and statistics in the middle of the page) and the Actions menu (the drop-down menu at the top of the Files menu). While these three components do not operate separately from one another, they and their features will be discussed separately for the purposes of organization.</p> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/fig2.gif" alt="Figure 2" /><br /><span>A sample FileMan v.3 window.</span></p> <h3>The Files Menu</h3> <p>The Files Menu displays the files and directories in the directory you are viewing and provides detailed information about each of them through a series of columns. The checkboxes at the left of the Files Menu allows you to select files or directories for the commands found in the Actions menu (the drop-down menu displaying "More Actions" in the above screenshot). Clicking the checkbox at the top of the menu automatically selects all displayed files and directories.</p> <h3>File Name</h3> <p>The file/folder name is listed in this column. Clicking the "Name" heading will sort the files and directories by file name in ascending order. Clicking the "Name" heading a second time will sort them in descending alphabetical order.</p> <h3>File Size</h3> <p>The file size of each file is listed in this column. Clicking the "Size" heading will sort the files and directories by file size in ascending order. Clicking the "Size" heading a second time will sort them in descending alphabetical order.</p> <h3>File Type</h3> <p>The file type of each file (directories are called "file folder"s) is listed in this column. Clicking the "File Type" heading will sort the files and directories by file type in ascending alphabetical order. Clicking the "File Type" heading a second time will sort them in descending alphabetical order.</p> <h3>Modified</h3> <p>The date that each file or directory was last modified is listed in this column. Clicking the "Modified" heading will sort the files and directories by modification date in ascending order. Clicking the "Modified" heading a second time will sort them in descending alphabetical order.</p> <h3>Owner</h3> <p>The username of the owner of each file and directory is listed in this column. Clicking the "Owner" heading will sort the files and directories by owner in ascending alphabetical order. Clicking the "Owner" heading a second time will sort them in descending alphabetical order.</p> <h3>Permissions</h3> <p>The permission settings of each file and directory are listed in this column. Clicking the "Permissions" heading will sort the files and directories by permission settings in ascending alphabetical order. Clicking the "Permissions" heading a second time will sort them in descending alphabetical order. Clicking on the permission settings of a specific file or directory will display a form allowing you to modify the file or directory's permission settings by checking individual permissions or by entering the numeric code for the desired permissions. If you need more information, a tutorial explaining how to configure permissions is available here: <a href="http://www.itc.virginia.edu/desktop/web/permissions/" target="helpinfo">http://www.itc.virginia.edu/desktop/web/permissions/</a></p> <h3>The Toolbar</h3> <p>The Toolbar displays the directory location you are currently viewing in FileMan, as well as a series of tools that allow you to manage your files. Click on "The Toolbar" in the navigation menu at the left of this help page for information on specific Toolbar functions.</p> <p>In the top left corner of the Toolbar, the location of the directory you are currently viewing will be displayed; /templates/luna would be a possible location. Thus, all files and directories in that location will be displayed in the Files menu (see below for details). You can click on any of the directory names listed in the location to view a specific directory.</p> <p class="figure"><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/fig3.gif" alt="Figure 3" /><br /><span>The Toolbar.</span></p> <p>The text field in the top right corner of the Toolbar allows you to open a directory found in the location currently being displayed. If you are viewing a directory which contains another directory called "images", for example, entering "images" in the field and clicking "Go" will open the "images" directory and display its contents in the Files menu.</p> <h3>The Actions Menu</h3> <p>The Actions Menu drops-down to allow you to perform various actions on files and directories you select via checkboxes in the Files Menu. Click on "The Actions" in the navigation menu at the left of this help page for information on specific actions.</p> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/actions.gif" alt="Figure 2" /><br /><span>The Actions Menu.</span></p> <h3>Multi-User Version</h3> <p class="figure"><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/fig7.gif" alt="Figure 7" /></p> <p>The multi-user version of FileMan v.3 features a dropdown menu for directories, allowing users to choose which path they wish to work in. Simply click on the down-pointing green arrow beside the directory name and a list of accessible directories will appear. </p> <p>Access to these directories is defined by the admin in the "Users Manager" option in the Tools link. Enter the paths to the directories that you want the user to have access to in the "Access Directories" section.</p> <h3>Logout</h3> <p>Clicking the "Logout" link will sign you out of your current FileMan session and return you to the login page.</p> </div> <div id="commands-content" class="hide"> <h1>The Toolbar</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/toolbar.jpg" alt="Toolbar" /></p> <p>The commands available to you in the Toolbar are your primary methods of managing the files and directories on your FileMan installation. Click on the names of specific commands to learn more about them individually.</p> </div> <div id="actions-content" class="hide"> <h1>Actions</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/fig6.gif" alt="Action Bar" /></p> <p>The Command Bar allows you to perform commands and actions upon files and directories that you have selected in the <b>Files menu</b>. Each action is listed in the "<b>More Actions</b>" dropdown menu. </p> </div> <div id="toolbar-settings" class="hide"> <h1>Settings</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/tools.gif" alt="search" /></p> <p>Clicking the "Settings" link displays a drop-down list of sub-menus allowing you to customize your FileMan installation.</p> </div> <div id="setup" class="hide"> <h1>Setup</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_setup.html $return .= q{<p>The Setup menu allows you to view and modify your FileMan URLs and paths, as well as general administrative settings.</p> <ul> <li><b>CGI URL:</b> This field should contain the URL of the directory where your admin files, such as FileMan.cgi, are located.</li> <li><b>Static URL:</b> This field should contain the URL of the directory where your CSS and Javascript are located.</li> <li><b>Root Directory:</b> This field should contain the path to the root directory of your installation.</li> <li><b>Password Directory:</b> This option allows you to choose whether or not users will be able to save their passwords (as controlled by the "Password Directory" option in the Preferences menu) outside of the root directory.</li> <li><b>Admin E-mail:</b> The address to which all administrative mail will be sent. <li><b>SMTP Server:</b> The SMTP server which will be used to send all FileMan related mail. Enter a value in this field or in the "sendmail Path" option below, but not both. <li><b>sendmail Path:</b> The path to the mail server which will be used to send all FileMan related mail. Enter a value in this field or in the "SMTP Server" option above, but not both. <li><b>Date Output Format:</b> This field controls the format that will be used when displaying date and time information in logs and in the main File Menu. <li><b>Date Input Format:</b> This field controls the format that FileMan will require users to use while searching for files by date and time criteria. <li><b>Keep Log:</b> Configure the number of days that access information will be saved in order to be displayed in the Browser Log.</li> <li><b>Cookie Name:</b> Select a cookie name and enter the amount of time after which cookies will expire.</li> <li><b>File Name Check:</b> This option determines whether or not files being uploaded or created will be checked for proper title syntax; if enabled, file names including spaces and other special characters will not be allowed.</li> <li><b>Debug:</b> This option allows you to enable and disable debug mode, in which large amounts of debug information will be added to the FileMan.config file. Note: debug mode should only be enabled when you are doing system maintenance. Debug mode creates significant amounts of overhead, adds large amounts of debug code to the error log and may allow users to obtain access to the server. Make sure to disable it when finished.</li> <li><b>Upload Mode:</b> This field contains the permission settings that will be used for all uploaded files.</li> <li><b>Allowed Space:</b> This field controls the default number of bytes that will be the limit for each new user (this value can be changed when creating and editing users).</li> <li><b>Permissions:</b> In these menus you can select which tools and commands new users will be able to access and execute by default.</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="password" class="hide"> <h1>Change Password</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_password.html $return .= q{<p>The "Change Password" menu allows you to change your FileMan password.</p> <p>Please make sure to pick a secure password that you can remember easily.</p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="preferences" class="hide"> <h1>Preferences</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_preferences.html $return .= q{<p>The Preferences menu allows you to set account-specific preferences; each user can customize their own preferences.</p> <ul> <li><b>Working Path:</b> This field allows you to specify the path that will be displayed by default when you login.</li> <li><b>Password Directory:</b> This field should contain the path to the directory where your .htaccess file (which stores passwords created with the Protect option) is stored.</li> <li><b>Sort By:</b> Specify the order in which your files and directories will be sorted and displayed by choosing a criteria (Name, Size, Type, Modified, Owner, Permissions) and either descending or ascending order. Note that directories will always be displayed above files.</li> <li><b>Max Hits:</b> Choose the number of files and directories that will be displayed per page.</li> <li><b>Hidden Files:</b> Choose whether or not to display hidden files while viewing directories.</li> <li><b>Editor Mode:</b> Choose whether the plain Text editor or the HTML editor will be displayed by default when you are editing or creating new files.</li> <li><b>Effects:</b> Choose whether to use visual effects for various Fileman menus and alerts.</li> <li><b>The README's Content:</b> Choose whether README files (which are automatically displayed when a directory is being viewed) above or below the directory structure.</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="users" class="hide"> <h1>Users Managerment</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_user.html $return .= q{<p>The "Users Manager" allows you to view, create and modify user accounts on your FileMan installation.</p> <ul> <li>Existing users' information can be edited by clicking on the names themselves.</li> <li>The "Access Directories" column displays paths to all directories the user has access to. To change user permissions and accesses, check off a user and select an option in the dropdown menu.</li> <li> Clicking the "New User" button will display a menu allowing you to define all aspects of a new user record. <ul> <li>Enter the user's name, password and e-mail address.</li> <li>Choose whether the user will have access to administrative options, or the standard user ones by choosing "User" or "Administrator" in the drop-down menu.</li> <li>Enter the directory where the user's root access will be (?). Choosing "Add a User" from the drop-down menu will allow you to select an existing folder, or you can check the "Create User Directory" box to automatically (?) create a directory for the user.</li> <li>Enter the allowed space (in kilobytes) the user will be given in their directory, or enter "0" to not create a limit.</li> <li>If you wish to customize which tools and commands the user has access to, check or uncheck the desired ones (the default tools/commands settings are defined in the Setup menu).</li> </ul> </li> <li>You can define tools and commands permissions for multiple users at a time by checking them and selecting "Change Permissions" in the drop-down menu. Any changes you make will be applied to all selected users.</li> <li>You can define directory access for multiple users at a time by checking them and and selecting "Change Access" in the drop-down menu. Check the directories you wish to give access to for all selected users.</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="logs" class="hide"> <h1>Browser Logs</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_logs.html $return .= q{<p>"Browser Logs" allow you to review all commands and activities performed on FileMan by all of your installations users.</p> <ul> <li>By default the most recent 25 activities/commands are displayed.</li> <li>To search, select the "Search" option in the dropdown menu. You can refine your search for specific commands by selecting a time frame, a specific action or a specific user to search for.</li> <li>In the Action drop-down, you can choose what type of action you would like to search for. If the "Match Any" box is checked the search will return all commands containing any of the search criteria entered in the search form. For example, a "Match Any" search for commands performed in the last two weeks and "user1" in the Username field would return all commands performed in the last two weeks, even if they were not performed by user1, and vice versa.</li> <li>The currently displayed list of browser log entries can be deleted by selecting "Clear Logs" in the drop-down menu.</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="env" class="hide"> <h1>Environment</h1> <p>The "Environment" link displays a detailed list of system information about your FileMan installation. This list can be useful for identifying system errors.</p> </div> <div id="search" class="hide"> <h1>Search</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/search.gif" alt="search" /></p> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_search.html $return .= q{<p>Clicking the "Search" link in the Toolbar allows you to search for specific files or directories.</p> <ul> <li>The "Search" drop-down menu allows you to choose whether you wish to search the entire directory you are viewing, or only selected files and subdirectories within that directory (select these files and directories by clicking the checkboxes beside them in the Files menu). Note that directories "above" the one you are viewing cannot be searched; searching a directory named "images" in the root directory will not search any of the other directories and files in the root directory.</li> <li>Choose whether or not your search will be "case sensitive" using the checkbox provided.</li> <li>Choose whether or not you wish to search using a regular expression with the "Regular Expression" checkbox provided. This allows users with some knowledge of regular expressions to search for files with content meeting specified criteria. Clicking the "Regular Expression" checkbox will automatically check the "Search Contents" box.</li> <li>Choose whether to search the contents of files in the directory you are searching with the "Search Contents" checkbox provided. If you are searching a directory with a text file called "test.txt", which itself contains the string "this is a test", searching for "this is" will only return "test.txt" if the "Search Contents" function is enabled.</li> <li>Clicking the "Advanced Search" link will open a new window allowing you to further refine your search parameters. You will be able to select a file type to search for, define search terms in the file name and the file's contents, as well as how recently the file was modified. If you are defining a date range in which you wish to search, click the ".." buttons beside each field to open a calendar menu. You will be able to scroll through the calendar and click the appropriate dates in order to enter the dates in the proper format.</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="replace" class="hide"> <h1>Replace</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/replace.gif" alt="search" /></p> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_replace.html $return .= q{<p>Clicking the "Replace" link in the Toolbar will display a form at the top of the page allowing you to search within files for a specific string of text and replace it with a new string of text. Simply check the box of the file you wish to perform the replace function on, enter the string you wish to replace, enter the string you wish to replace it with, and click replace.</p> <ul> <li>The "Replace" drop-down menu allows you to choose whether you wish to search the entire directory you are viewing for the string you wish to replace, or only selected files and subdirectories within that directory (select these files and directories by clicking the checkboxes beside them in the Files menu). Note that directories "above" the one you are viewing cannot be searched for strings to replace; searching a directory named "images" in the root directory will not search any of the other directories and files in the root directory.</li> <li>Choose whether or not your search for strings will be "case sensitive" using the checkbox provided.</li> <li>Choose whether or not you wish to search using a regular expression with the "Regular Expression" checkbox provided. This allows users with some knowledge of regular expressions to search for files with content meeting specified criteria. Clicking the "Regular Expression" checkbox will automatically check the "Search Contents" box.</li> <li>If you choose to "Create .bak," a backup file containing the original string of text will be created in the same directory as any files that were modified by the replacement. If, for example, you had a file named "colour.txt" containing the word "blue", and you used the replace option to substitute "blue" with "red" with the "Create .bak file" option enabled, two files would now appear in the directory that "colour.txt" is located in: a "colour.txt" file containing the word "red", and a "colour.txt.bk" file containing the word "blue".</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="command" class="hide"> <h1>Command</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command.gif" alt="search" /></p> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_command.html $return .= q{<p> Enter the command you wish to execute in the "Command" field and click the "Execute " button. You can also execute a file by checking the box beside the desired file in the Files Menu and clicking the "Execute" button.</p> <p> If you are running a command or file that will take more than ten seconds, checking the "Long Running" box will ensure that your command will not time out. </p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="upload" class="hide"> <h1>Upload</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/upload.gif" alt="search" /></p> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_upload.html $return .= q{<p>Clicking the "Upload" link in the Toolbar will allow you to upload files to the directory you are currently viewing.</p> <ul> <li>Click the "Browse" button to select a file, or simply enter the path to the desired file in the "File" field.</li> <li>You can select the format of the file you wish to upload: choose Ascii, Binary or Auto. Ascii format should be used for files that use plain text with no formatting, binary should be used for all other types of files. The auto option will automatically determine which format to use; you will usually not need to specify either Ascii or binary.</li> <li>If you wish to overwrite existing files with newly uploaded files that have the same name, check the "Overwrite" box, otherwise an error message will appear.</li> <li>If you wish to upload multiple files at the same time, click the "Multiple Upload" link to see a menu allowing you to specify up to ten files at a time.</li> <li>Click the <b><em>'Upload</em></b> button to upload the file to the directory.</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="file" class="hide"> <h1>New File</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/newfile.gif" alt="New file" /></p> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_file.html $return .= q{<p>Clicking the "New File" button allows you to create a new file that will be saved in the directory you are currently viewing.</p> <ul> <li>Enter the contents of the new file</li> <li>Enter a file name with the appropriate extension in the field provided (EG. .txt, .html, .php)</li> <li>Click the 'Save' button. Your new file will now appear in the directory</li> </ul> <p>By default, the text editor will be displayed. Clicking the "Switch to HTML" button will allow you to create detailed HTML pages using a feature-rich HTML editor.</p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="folder" class="hide"> <h1>New Folder</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/newfolder.gif" alt="New Folder" /></p> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_makedir.html $return .= q{<p>Clicking the "New Folder" link in the Toolbar allows you to create a new folder within the directory you are currently viewing.</p> <p> Enter a name for the new folder in the field provided and click the 'Create' button. Your new folder will now be displayed in the directory. </p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="protect" class="hide"> <h1>Protect</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/protect.gif" alt="search" /></p> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_protect.html $return .= q{<p>Clicking the "Protect" link in the Toolbar will display a form at the top of the page allowing you to protect the directory you are currently viewing by configuring a username and password that will be required to access it.</p> <ul> <li>Enter a "User name" and "Password" in the fields provided.</li> <li>Options: <ul> <li>Overwrite: will overwrite an existing user with the username and password.</li> <li>MD5 password: generate an md5 password that's compatible with Apache.</li> </ul> <li>Click the "Add User" button. The user name and password will now have to be entered to access the directory currently being viewed.</li> <li>Existing user names and passwords can be deleted by selecting the desired user name from the drop-down menu and clicking the "Remove" button or by clicking the "Remove All" button.</li> </ul> <p>Once a username and password has be created, the url of the directory cannot be viewable from a browser without correctly providing the designated username and password. (EG. if you protected the directory 'foo', the url www.yoursitename.com/foo cannot be accessed without a username and password) </p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="download" class="hide"> <h1>Download</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_download.html $return .= q{<p>You can download selected items or directories in various file and compression formats.</p> <ul> <li>Choose the format of the item(s) you are downloading in the "Mode" drop-down menu. Choose between Ascii, Binary and Auto: <ul> <li><b>Ascii</b> format should be used for files that use plain text with no formatting</li> <li><b>Binary</b> should be used for all other types of files</li> <li><b>Auto</b> will automatically determine which format to use; you will usually not need to specify either Ascii or binary</li> </ul> </li> <li>If you wish to download the item(s) in a compressed format, select the desired compression format (which should be indicated by the file extensions) from the "Compressed type" drop-down menu. Choose from None, .tar, .tar.gz and .zip. Note: if you are downloading multiple items, you will have to select a compression type.</li> <li>Click the 'Download' button to download your selected file(s).</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="symlink" class="hide"> <h1>Symlink</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-symlink.gif" alt="command bar" /> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_symlink.html $return .= q{<p>After checking off one or more files or directories, selecting the "Symlink" option displays a menu allowing you to create a symlink to the selected files and directories.</p> <p>Enter a path to an existing location on your installation and click <b><em>'Create Symlink.'</em></b> If you've selected multiple files or directories, separate symlinks will be displayed for each at the specified location.</p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="copy" class="hide"> <h1>Copy</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-copy.gif" alt="command bar" /> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_copy.html $return .= q{<p>After checking off one or more files or directories, enter the path to the directory you wish to copy the item(s) to, and click the 'Copy' button.</p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="move" class="hide"> <h1>Move</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-move.gif" alt="command bar" /> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_move.html $return .= q{<p>After checking off one or more files or directories, selecting the "Move" option allows you to specify a directory to which the selected item(s) will be moved.</p> <p>Enter the path to the directory you wish to move the item(s) to, or click the Browse button to choose a directory, and and click the 'Move' button.</p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="rename" class="hide"> <h1>Rename</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-rename.gif" alt="command bar" /> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_rename.html $return .= q{<p>After checking off a file or directory, selecting the "Rename" option allows you to specify a directory to which the selected item will be rename.</p> <p>Enter the new name you wish to rename the item, and click the 'Rename' button.</p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="delete" class="hide"> <h1>Delete</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-delete.gif" alt="command bar" /> <p>After checking off one or more files or directories, selecting the "Delete" option will permanently delete them. If you've selected multiple files, you can choose to skip the deletion of individual files you've mistakenly checked, or to delete all files simultaneously.</p> </div> <div id="compress" class="hide"> <h1>Compress</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-compress.gif" alt="command bar" /> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_compress.html $return .= q{<p>You can compress one or more files or directories, into a single compressed file -- in a variety of formats.</p> <ul> <li>Check off all the files and/or directories you wish to include in the compressed file</li> <li>Select the desired compression format from the drop-down menu. Choose from .tar, .tar.gz and .zip.</li> <li>Enter the path to the directory you wish to save the file in and give it a filename in the field provided. For example, selecting .tar and entering /images/foo in the field would save the compressed files as foo.tar in your images directory.</li> <li>Click 'Create File'</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="uncompress" class="hide"> <h1>Uncompress</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-uncompress.gif" alt="command bar" /> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_uncompress.html $return .= q{<p>After clicking on a compressed file format (.zip, .tar, .tar.gz), you'll be brought to a screen that gives you the option to uncompress all or selected files. </p> <ul> <li>Select your option in the dropdown menu and if you wish, type in a directory to uncompress to</li> <li> Click 'Uncompress' to extract your selected files</li> </ul> <p>Note: If no directory is chosen, the selected files will be extracted to whatever directory the compressed file resides in.</p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="chmod" class="hide"> <h1>Chmod</h1> <p><img src="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.static_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{/help/command-chmod.gif" alt="command bar" /> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_chmod.html $return .= q{<p><b>Chmod</b> allows you to specify the permissions for selected item(s), setting them as writable, readable, executable, etc. Simply check off the actions you want or if you know the Chmod number, enter it in the 'as numerical' field and click 'Chmod'. </p> <p>If you need more information, a tutorial explaining how to configure permissions is available here: <a href="http://www.itc.virginia.edu/desktop/web/permissions/" target="helpinfo"><b>http://www.itc.virginia.edu/desktop/web/permissions/</b></a></p> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="perl" class="hide"> <h1>Perl Check</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_perl.html $return .= q{<p>After checking off a single file, selecting the "Perl" option will check the syntax of perl files to ensure that the syntax is correct. </p> <p>This function will only work if the selected file is a Perl file. }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="tail" class="hide"> <h1>Tail</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_tail.html $return .= q{<p>After selecting a single file, clicking the "Tail" link displays a menu allowing you to configure a screen that will show the last lines of that file.</p> <ul> <li>Enter how many of the file's last lines you wish to view in the "Number of lines" field. If you want the tail screen to automatically refresh while you are viewing it, choose a refresh rate (in seconds) from the drop-down menu. This option can be useful when you wish to view access and error logs as they are being generated.</li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="diff" class="hide"> <h1>Diff</h1> }; {; #Including /data/config/fileman/templates/luna/../common/help_diff.html $return .= q{<p>The "Diff" option allows you to compare the file's content with that of another, and have the differences between the two displayed. This option will only work for text-based files, such as .txt or .html files and is useful when reviewing files that are often updated.</p> <ul> <li>Enter the filename or the path to the second file (or click "Browse" to select a path) to be compared to and click the 'Diff' button. (Eg. '/templates/luna/version2.html')</li> <li>The differences between the two files will be displayed in a new screen. <ul> <li>Lines that are prefaced by a minus sign (-) are lines which appear in the first file but not in the second. </li> <li>Lines that are prefaced by a plus sign (+) are lines which appear in the second file but not in the first. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> }; } # Done include $return .= q{ </div> <div id="print" class="hide"> <h1>Print</h1> <p>After selecting one or more files, selecting the "Print" link will open a window displaying a preview of the file's printed appearance, as well as your regular print window. If you select multiple files to be printed, you will be given the option of printing them separately or as one document.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="shadowbottom"><div class="shadowbottomleft"></div><div class="shadowbottomright"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> }; return \$return; }