File: log_search.html.compiled
# This file is a compiled version of a template that can be run much faster # than reparsing the file, yet accomplishes the same thing. You should not # attempt to modify this file as any changes you make would be lost as soon as # the original template file is modified. # Editor: vim:syn=perl # Generated: Thu Apr 21 20:26:44 2016, using GT::Template::Parser v2.159 local $^W; { files => [['log_search.html','/data/config/fileman/templates/luna/log_search.html',1449257597,2394]], parser_version => 2.170, code => \>::Template::parsed_template }; sub GT::Template::parsed_template { local $^W; # Get rid of warnings. This won't work for Perl 5.6's -W switch my $self = shift; my $return = ''; my $tags = $self->vars; my $escape = $self->{opt}->{escape}; my $strict = $self->{opt}->{strict}; my ($tmp, $tmp2, $tmp3); $return .= q{<form action="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.cgi_url}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{" method="post"> <input type="hidden" id="cmd" name="cmd" value="log" /> <h1 class="clear"> <img src="}; $return .= $self->_call_func('GT::FileMan::image_url', 1, 0, q{icons/close.gif}); $return .= q{" title="Close" class="close" /> <span>Log Search</span> </h1> <div class="modal-content"> <p class="error hide"></p> <div class="row clear"> <div class="description">Enter keyword search or search term below</div> <label for="keyword" class="name">Keyword</label> <div class="value"><input type="text" id="keyword" name="keyword" value="" class="text longtext" /></div> </div> <div class="row clear"> <label class="name">Action</label> <div class="value"> <select name="action"> <option value="">All</option> <option value="login">login</option> }; { my $orig = {%{$self->{VARS}}}; my %loop_set; LOOP1: { my $loop_var = $self->_raw_value(q{commands_loop}); my $loop_type = ref $loop_var; if ($loop_type eq 'CODE' or $loop_type eq 'ARRAY') { my $next; my $row_num = 0; my $i = (0 and $loop_type eq 'ARRAY') ? $#$loop_var : 0; my $current = $loop_type eq 'CODE' ? $loop_var->() : $loop_var->[0 ? $i-- : $i++]; if ($loop_type eq 'CODE' and ref $current eq 'ARRAY') { $loop_type = 'ARRAY'; $loop_var = $current; $i = 0 ? $#$loop_var : 0; $current = $loop_var->[0 ? $i-- : $i++]; } while (defined $current) { if ($loop_type eq 'CODE') { $next = $loop_var->(); } else { $next = (0 and $i < 0) ? undef : $loop_var->[0 ? $i-- : $i++]; } my $copy = {%{$self->{VARS}}}; for (keys %loop_set) { $copy->{$_} = $orig->{$_}; delete $loop_set{$_}; } for (qw/rownum row_num first last inner even odd loop_value/, ref $current eq 'HASH' ? (keys %$current) : ()) { $loop_set{$_} = 1 } $copy->{row_num} = $copy->{rownum} = ++$row_num; $copy->{first} = ($row_num == 1) || 0; $copy->{last} = (not defined $next) || 0; $copy->{inner} = (!$copy->{first} and !$copy->{last}) || 0; $copy->{even} = ($row_num % 2 == 0) || 0; $copy->{odd} = (not $copy->{even}) || 0; if (ref $current ne 'HASH') { $current = { loop_value => $current } } else { $loop_set{loop_value} = 1; $copy->{loop_value} = $current } for (keys %$current) { $copy->{$_} = $current->{$_} } $self->{VARS} = $copy; $current = $next; $return .= q{ <option value="}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{name}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{">}; $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{name}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); $return .= q{</option> }; } } } for (keys %loop_set) { $self->{VARS}->{$_} = $orig->{$_} } } $return .= q{ </select> </div> </div> <div class="row clear"> <label class="name">Username</label> <div class="value"><input type="text" name="uid" class="text" value=""/></div> </div> <div class="row clear"> <label class="name">From Date</label> <div class="value"> <input type="text" id="fromdate" name="fromdate" class="text date-pick dp-applied" value="" /> (}; if ($self->_get_var(q{cfg.date_input}, { escape => 0, strict => 0, merge => 0 })) { $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.date_input}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); } else { $return .= q{yyyy-mm-dd}; } $return .= q{) </div> </div> <div class="row clear"> <label class="name">To Date</label> <div class="value"> <input type="text" id="todate" name="todate" class="text date-pick dp-applied" value="" /> (}; if ($self->_get_var(q{cfg.date_input}, { escape => 0, strict => 0, merge => 0 })) { $return .= $tmp if defined($tmp = $self->_get_var(q{cfg.date_input}, { escape => $escape, strict => $strict })); } else { $return .= q{yyyy-mm-dd}; } $return .= q{) </div> </div> <div class="row clear"> <label for="any" class="name">Match Any</label> <div class="value"><input type="checkbox" id="any" name="any" value="1" /></div> </div> <div class="buttons"> <input type="submit" name="bsearch" value="Search" class="submit" /> <input type="Reset" name="breset" value="Reset" class="submit" /> </div> </div> </form> }; return \$return; }