File: language.txt
# This file is the system default language.txt for for # the 'gossamer' template set. # Revision: $Id: language.txt,v 1.13 2008/11/19 23:06:37 bao Exp $ my $dump = { 'ERR_NOUPLOAD' => 'Choose a file to upload.', 'ERR_INVALID_INPUT' => 'Name cannot contain special characters.', 'ERR_NOT_FOUND' => '%s does not exist.', 'ERR_CANNOT_OPEN' => 'Cannot open the %s: %s', 'ERR_SEARCH_COND' => 'Enter your search condition.', 'ERR_INVALID_COMMAND' => 'Invalid command: %s', 'ERR_COMMAND' => 'Enter a command.', 'ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_MULT' => 'Cannot open multiple files.', 'ERR_NOAUTH' => 'Your session has expired. Please login again.', 'ERR_NOT_FILE' => '%s is not a file.', 'ERR_NOT_FOLDER' => '%s is not a directory', 'ERR_NOT_WRITABLE' => '%s is not writable.', 'ERR_NOT_READABLE' => '%s is not readable.', 'ERR_NOSPACE' => 'There is not enough space on your FileMan account to perform this action.', 'ERR_EXISTING' => '%s already exists.', 'ERR_MAKEDIR' => 'Cannot create directory %s: %s', 'ERR_NOSELECTED' => 'No file was selected.', 'ERR_CHMOD_INPUT' => 'Enter permission.', 'ERR_INVALID_PERM' => 'Invalid permissions.', 'ERR_UID_INVALID' => 'Username cannot contain colon: %s', 'ERR_UID_EXISTING' => '%s already exists.', 'ERR_REQUIRED' => '%s is required.', 'ERR_FILENAME_EXISTING' => 'Filename already exists.', 'ERR_MAIL_SERVER' => 'You must set either SMTP Server or Mail Path.', 'ERR_INVALID_MAIL' => 'You cannot set both SMTP Server and Mail Path.', 'ERR_RENAME_INPUT' => 'A new name is required.', 'ERR_CANNOT_RENAME' => 'The target path must be the same as the current working path.', 'ERR_MULT_SELECTED' => 'Cannot select multiple files for this command.', 'ERR_SYMLINK_INPUT' => 'Enter the path where you want to create a symlink.', 'ERR_COMPRESS_INPUT' => 'Enter a file name as well as location for your compressed file.', 'ERR_GZIP_REQUIRED' => 'Compress::Zlib module is required.', 'ERR_AZIP_REQUIRED' => 'Archive::Zib module is required.', 'ERR_NOTTEXT_FILE' => '%s is not a text file.', 'ERR_FILE_EMPTY' => 'The file %s is empty.', 'ERR_PERL_SELECTED' => 'No Perl files were selected.', 'ERR_NOTPERL_FILE' => '%s is not a Perl file.', 'ERR_DIFF_INPUT' => 'Enter the path to the file with which you want to create a diff file.', 'ERR_INVALID_LOGIN' => 'Invalid login and password.', 'ERR_INVALID_USERNAME' => 'Invalid username.', 'ERR_INVALID_PASSWORD' => 'Invalid password.', 'ERR_SESSION' => 'Cannot create session.', 'ERR_INVALID_ACTION' => 'Invalid action: %s', 'ERR_POST_REQUEST' => 'You cannot perform get requests with that command.', 'ERR_NO_PERM' => 'You do not have permission to use the %s command.', 'ERR_NO_ACCESS' => 'You do not have any access directories.', 'ERR_USER_REQUIRED' => 'Username, password, and e-mail address are required fields.', 'ERR_PROTECT_REQUIRED' => 'Username and password are required fields', 'ERR_USERNAME' => 'Invalid username', 'ERR_EMAIL' => 'Invalid e-mail address', 'ERR_INVALID_ROOT' => 'Invalid root directory: %s', 'ERR_MAILING' => 'User was successfully created, but the following error occurred: %s', 'ERR_USER_NOTFOUND' => 'User does not exist: %s', 'ERR_EMAIL_NOTFOUND' => 'E-mail address does not exist: %s', 'ERR_NOUSER_SELECTED' => 'No user was selected.', 'ERR_PASSWD_INPUT' => 'Enter the old and new password.', 'ERR_INVALID_OLDPASSWD' => 'Invalid old password.', 'ERR_PASSWD_NOMATCH' => 'Confirmation password does not match new password.', 'ERR_RESETPWD_INPUT' => 'Enter your e-mail address below.', 'ERR_OUT_BOUNCE' => 'Permission denied: cannot access outside your root directory.', 'ERR_INVALID_PATH' => 'Enter the path where you want to copy the selected file(s) to.', 'ERR_PRINT' => 'Only text files may be printed.', 'MSG_PASSWD_RESET' => 'A new password is being sent to you at %s.', 'MSG_COPIED' => '%s files were copied to %s.', 'MSG_MOVED' => '%s files were moved to %s.', 'MSG_DELETED' => '%s file was deleted.', 'MSG_MULT_DELETED' => '%s files were deleted.', 'MSG_SEARCH' => 'Search results: %s file(s)', 'MSG_REPLACED' => 'Replace results: %s file(s)', 'MSG_UPLOADED' => '%s was uploaded (%s)', 'MSG_MULT_UPLOADED' => '%s files uploaded (%s), %s files skipped.', 'MSG_FILE_SAVED' => '%s was saved.', 'MSG_MAKEDIR' => 'Directory %s created.', 'MSG_MULT_CHMODED' => 'Permissions changed on %s files and directories.', 'MSG_CHMODED' => '%s permissions changed.', 'MSG_USER_ADDED' => '%s user added.', 'MSG_USER_DELETED' => '%s use deleted', 'MSG_MULTUSER_DELETED' => '%s users deleted', 'MSG_USER_UPDATED' => '%s user updated.', 'MSG_CHANCES_SAVED' => 'All the changes were saved.', 'MSG_RENAMED' => '%s was renamed to %s', 'MSG_LINKED' => '%s link(s) created at %s.', 'MSG_COMPRESSED' => '%s created!', 'MSG_UNCOMPRESSED' => '%s of %s files were uncompressed from %s', 'MSG_LOGOUT' => 'You have logged out successfully.', 'MSG_PERM_SAVED' => 'Command permissions changed for %s users.', 'MSG_ACCESS_SAVED' => 'Directory access changed for %s users.', 'MSG_PASSWD_UPDATED' => 'Your new password was updated.', 'MSG_LOG_DELETED' => 'Logs were deleted.', 'MSG_REQUIRED' => 'The "%s" field cannot be left blank.' };