File: zone.properties
############################################################################### # Servlet Zone Configuration File # ############################################################################### # # $InQuent: zone.properties,v 1.1 2004/10/28 21:43:03 aaronw Exp $ # ################################ W A R N I N G ################################ # # Unlike normal Java properties, JServ configurations have some important # extentions: # # 1) commas are used as token separators # 2) multiple definitions of the same key are concatenated in a # comma-separated list. # ############################################################################### # List of Repositories ####################### # The list of servlet repositories controlled by this servlet zone # Syntax: repositories=[repository],[repository]... # Default: NONE # Note: The classes you want to be reloaded upon modification should be put # here. repositories=/usr/local/ApacheJServ-1.1/servlets # Classloader parameters ######################### # Enable servlet class autoreloading. # Syntax: autoreload.classes=[true,false] (boolean) # Default: true autoreload.classes=true # Enable servlet resourced autoreloading (properties and other loaded resources) # Syntax: autoreload.file=[true,false] (boolean) # Default: true autoreload.file=true # Set the number of millisecond to wait before giving up on initializing a servlet. # (a timeout of zero means no timeout) # Syntax: init.timeout=(long)>0 # Default: 10000 (10 secs) init.timeout=10000 # Set the number of millisecond to wait before giving up on destroying a servlet. # (a timeout of zero means no timeout) # Syntax: destroy.timeout=(long)>0 # Default: 10000 (10 secs) destroy.timeout=10000 # Session Cookie Parameters ############################ # Set whether or not to use cookies to maintain session state. # If false, then response.encodeUrl() will always be the method # to maintain session state. If true, then the servlet engine will # attempt to set a cookie when request.getSession(true) is called. # Syntax: session.useCookies=[true,false] (boolean) # Default: true session.useCookies=true # Set the number of millisecond to wait before invalidating an unused session. # Syntax: session.timeout=(long)>0 # Default: 1800000 (30 mins) session.timeout=1800000 # Set how frequently (milliseconds) to check for timed-out sessions. # Syntax: session.checkFrequency=(long)>0 # Default: 30000 (30 secs) session.checkFrequency=30000 # Set the domain= header that gets sent with the cookie. This is # entirely optional # Default: null #session.topleveldomain=.foo.com # SingleThreadModel Servlets parameters ######################################## # Set the initial capacity of the STM servlets pool. # Syntax: singleThreadModelServlet.initialCapacity=(int)>1 # Default: 5 singleThreadModelServlet.initialCapacity=5 # Set the number of servlet instances should be added to the pool if found empty. # Syntax: singleThreadModelServlet.incrementCapacity=(int)>1 # Default: 5 singleThreadModelServlet.incrementCapacity=5 # Set the maximum capacity of the STM pool # Syntax: singleThreadModelServlet.maximumCapacity=(int)>1 # Default: 10 singleThreadModelServlet.maximumCapacity=10 ################### S E R V L E T P A R A M E T E R S ###################### ################################## N O T E #################################### # When "classname" is specified, it means a Java dot-formatter full class name # without the ".class". For example, a class with source file named # "Dummy.java" with a package name "org.fool" is defined as "org.fool.Dummy". # # Since each servlet may have lots of private initialization data, Apache JServ # allows you to store those servlet initArgs in a separate file. To do this, # simply do not set any initArgs in this file: Apache JServ will then look for # a file named "[servlet classname].initargs" in the same directory of that # class. Note that this may work with even class archives. ############################################################################### # Startup Servlets ################### # Comma or space delimited list of servlets to launch on startup. # This can either be a class name or alias. # Syntax: servlets.startup=[classname or alias],[classname or alias],... # Default: NONE # servlets.startup=hello,snoop,org.fool.Dummy # Servlet Aliases ################## # This defines aliases from which servlets can be invoked. # Each alias give a new instance of the servlet. This means that if a servlet # is invoked both by class name and by alias name, it will result in _TWO_ # instances of the servlet being created. # Syntax: servlet.[alias].code=[classname] (String) # Default: NONE # servlet.snoop.code=SnoopServlet # servlet.hello.code=org.fool.Dummy # Global Init Parameters ######################### # Parameters passed here are given to each of servlets. You should put # configuration information that is common to all servlets. # # The value of the property is a comma delimited list of "name=value" pairs # that are accessible to the servlet via the method getInitParameter() # in ServletConfig. # Syntax: servlets.default.initArgs=[name]=[value],[name]=[value],... # Default: NONE # servlets.default.initArgs=common.to.everybody=Hi everybody! # Servlet Init Parameters ########################## # These properties define init parameters for each servlet that is invoked # by its classname. # Syntax: servlet.[classname].initArgs=[name]=[value],[name]=[value],... # Default: NONE # servlet.org.fool.Dummy.initArgs=message=I'm a dummy servlet # Aliased Servlet Init Parameters ################################## # These properties define init parameters for each servlet that is invoked # by its alias. # Syntax: servlet.[alias].initArgs=[name]=[value],[name]=[value],... # Default: NONE # servlet.snoop.initArgs=message=I'm a snoop servlet # servlet.hello.initArgs=message=I say hello world to everyone