File: count.cgi
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #use Fcntl ':flock'; ##################### # BS Counter (v2.0.2) # Copyright 1999-2003 Brian Stanback <brian at stanback dot net> # This software is protected under the GNU General Public License (see LICENSE) # # Set config options (see the docs/README for config instructions) # # WWW path where png digit images are located (include trailing slash) my $digits_dir = "http://images.netsolhost.com/counter/"; # Directory that houses the xml data files (include trailing slash) my $data_dir = "."; # Put your ip here if you don't want the counter to count hits from you (otherwise leave it as my $my_ip = ""; # # Constants related to locking # # If the lock is not created at first time, we will sleep a random number of seconds. The initial random # number is chosen betwen 0 and $INITIAL_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL and subsequent random intervals are # multiplied by $MULTIPLIER_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL. When creating a link, if the creation is not succesful # at first the same algorithm and constants apply my $INITIAL_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL = 0.0625; # 62.5 miliseconds my $MULTIPLIER_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL = 2; # Double the interval every time # If we can't the lock after $MAX_TRIES_LOCK tries or # if we can't create a link in $MAX_TRIES_LINK tries, we give up my $MAX_TRIES_LOCK = 10; my $MAX_TRIES_LINK = 5; # If we can't get the lock after $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LOCK seconds or # if we can't create a link after $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LINK seconds, we give up my $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LINK = 10; my $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LOCK = 60; # In the event that we didn;t get the lock, remove possible stale locks older than $MAX_LOCK_AGE seconds. my $MAX_LOCK_AGE = 120; # # Begin script # my @time = localtime(time); my $total; my @today; my %geographic; my %browsers; my %platforms; my %terms; my %referrers; my @hosts; my %in; &getvars; my $file = $in{'page'} || "default"; my $style = $in{'style'} || "default"; my $type = $in{'type'} || "text"; my $imgtype = $in{'imgtype'} || "png"; my $nbdigits = $in{'nbdigits'} || 1; my $allow_reloads = $in{'reloads'} || 0; # List of Browsers (Name => Regex) my @agents = ( "MSN => MSN", "Opera => Opera", "AOL => AOL", "Internet Explorer 5+ => MSIE [5-9]", "Internet Explorer 4- => MSIE", "Netscape 6+ => Netscape", "Netscape 4- => Nav", "Apple/Safari => Safari", "Nokia => Nokia", "Robot/Spider => Googlebot|Surf|Crawler|Mercator|Seek|Arachnoidea|Link|Slurp|Copier|Shrelock", "Konqueror => Konqueror", "WebTV => WebTV", "Mosaic => NCSA", "Lynx => Lynx", "Download Agents => Kontiki|Wget|GetRight|gozilla", "Mozilla => Mozilla", "Unknown => .*" ); # List of Platforms my @os = ( "Windows NT/2K/XP => Windows NT|Windows 2000|Windows XP|WinNT", "Windows 9x/ME => Windows|Win98|Win95", "Windows 3.1 => Win3.1", "Mac OSX => Mac OS X", "Mac PowerPC => Mac", "Linux => Linux", "HP-UX => HP-UX", "SunOS => SunOS", "BSD => BSD", "UNIX => UNIX", "IRIX => IRIX", "QNX => QNX", "OS/2 => OS/2", "Nokia => Nokia", "Amiga => Amiga", "WebTV => WebTV", "Unknown => .*" ); # # Parse the XML stats file # if (-f "$data_dir$file.xml") { exclusive_access_begin($data_dir,"$file.xml"); &parse_xml("$data_dir$file.xml"); if (! defined($total)) { exclusive_access_end($data_dir,"$file.xml"); fail_safe($data_dir,"$file.xml"); } } else { open(XML,">$data_dir$file.xml"); close(XML); exclusive_access_begin($data_dir,"$file.xml"); } # # Update stats # if ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} and $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} ne $my_ip) { if (!$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}) { my @subnet_numbers = split (/\./, $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}); $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} = gethostbyaddr(pack("C4", @subnet_numbers), 2) || $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; } if ($allow_reloads != 1) { $allow_reloads = 1; foreach my $host (@hosts) { if ($host eq $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}) { $allow_reloads = 0; } } } if ($allow_reloads) { $total++; if ($today[0] eq "$time[3]$time[5]") { $today[1]++; } else { $today[1] = 1; } if ($ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} eq $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}) { $geographic{'ip'}++; } else { my @hostname = split(/\./, $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}); $geographic{lc($hostname[$#hostname])}++; } if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}) { foreach my $agent (@agents) { my ($name, $regex) = split(' => ', $agent); if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /$regex/i) { $browsers{$name}++; last; } } foreach my $platform (@os) { my ($name, $regex) = split(' => ', $platform); if ($ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} =~ /$regex/i) { $platforms{$name}++; last; } } } if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} and $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m!^(https?://)([-a-z0-9\.]{4,})((?::\d+)?)(/[^#?]+(?:#\S+)?)\?([^#?]+(?:#\S+)?)$!i) { $referrers{lc("$1$2$3$4")}++; foreach my $term (get_terms(lc($5))) { $term =~ s/^[\-\+\?]|[\-\+\?]$//; if ($term =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9\+\-\?]{2,20}$/) { $terms{$term}++; } } } unshift(@hosts, $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}); open(XML, ">$data_dir$file.xml"); #flock(XML, LOCK_EX); seek(XML, 0, 0); truncate(XML, 0); print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"; print XML "<counter>\n"; print XML "\t<total>$total</total>\n"; print XML "\t<today time=\"$time[3]$time[5]\">$today[1]</today>\n"; print XML "\t<geographic>\n"; foreach my $tld (keys %geographic) { print XML "\t\t<country tld=\"$tld\" hits=\"$geographic{$tld}\" />\n"; } print XML "\t</geographic>\n"; print XML "\t<browsers>\n"; foreach my $agent (keys %browsers) { print XML "\t\t<agent name=\"$agent\" hits=\"$browsers{$agent}\" />\n"; } print XML "\t</browsers>\n"; print XML "\t<platforms>\n"; foreach my $os (keys %platforms) { print XML "\t\t<os name=\"$os\" hits=\"$platforms{$os}\" />\n"; } print XML "\t</platforms>\n"; print XML "\t<terms>\n"; foreach my $term (keys %terms) { print XML "\t\t<term value=\"$term\" hits=\"$terms{$term}\" />\n"; } print XML "\t</terms>\n"; print XML "\t<referrers>\n"; foreach my $ref (keys %referrers) { print XML "\t\t<ref url=\"$ref\" hits=\"$referrers{$ref}\" />\n"; } print XML "\t</referrers>\n"; print XML "\t<hosts>\n"; foreach my $host (@hosts[0..19]) { if ($host) { print XML "\t\t<host value=\"$host\" />\n"; } } print XML "\t</hosts>\n"; print XML "</counter>"; close(XML); } } exclusive_access_end($data_dir,"$file.xml"); # # Print out the count # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; if ($type eq "image") { $total = '0' x ($nbdigits - length($total)) . $total; my @mydigits = split('', $total); foreach my $num (@mydigits) { print "<img src=\"$digits_dir$style/$num.$imgtype\" alt=\"$num\" />"; } } else { while ($total =~ s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/) {} print $total; } # # XML Parsing Routines # sub parse_xml { open(XML, $_[0]); #flock(XML, LOCK_EX); while (my $line = <XML>) { if ($line =~ /<ref url=\"(.*)\" hits=\"(\d+)\" \/>/) { $referrers{$1} = $2; } elsif ($line =~ /<host value=\"(.*)\" \/>/) { push(@hosts, $1); } elsif ($line =~ /<term value=\"(.*)\" hits=\"(\d+)\" \/>/) { $terms{$1} = $2; } elsif ($line =~ /<country tld=\"(.*)\" hits=\"(\d+)\" \/>/) { $geographic{$1} = $2; } elsif ($line =~ /<agent name=\"(.*)\" hits=\"(\d+)\" \/>/) { $browsers{$1} = $2; } elsif ($line =~ /<os name=\"(.*)\" hits=\"(\d+)\" \/>/) { $platforms{$1} = $2; } elsif ($line =~ /<today time=\"(\d+)\">(\d+)<\/today>/) { $today[0] = $1; $today[1] = $2; } elsif ($line =~ /<total>(\d+)<\/total>/) { $total = $1; } } close(XML); } # # Get query string configuration variables (strip everything that isn't a number or letter) # sub getvars { if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING}) { for (split(/\&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'})) { my($key, $val) = split /=/; $val =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; $val =~ s/[^[A-Za-z0-9_-]//g; $in{$key} = $val; } } } sub get_terms { for (split /\&/, $_[0]) { my($key, $val) = split /=/; if ($key and $key =~ /^(q|p|query)$/) { $val =~ tr/+/ /; $val =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; return split(' ', $val); } } } sub exclusive_access_begin { my ($datadir,$fileName) = @_; use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time); my $filePath = "$datadir$fileName"; my $lockTryNumber = 1; my $startWatchLock = time; my $sleepRandomIntervalLock = $INITIAL_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL; while (1) { my $linkTryNumber = 1; my $startWatchLink = time; my $sleepRandomIntervalLink = $INITIAL_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL; while (1) { if (link($filePath,"$filePath.lock.$ENV{SERVER_ADDR}.$$")) { last; } my $now = time; if (($linkTryNumber <= $MAX_TRIES_LINK) && ( $now - $startWatchLink < $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LINK) && ($now - $startWatchLock < $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LOCK)) { sleep(rand($sleepRandomIntervalLink)); $sleepRandomIntervalLink *= $MULTIPLIER_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL; $linkTryNumber++; } else { #print "Could not link after $MAX_TRIES_LINK tries or in $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LINK seconds or could not establish lock in $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LOCK seconds!<br/>\n"; fail_safe($data_dir,$fileName); } } my $nlink = (stat($filePath))[3]; if ($nlink == 2) { # We got the lock last; } unlink("$filePath.lock.$ENV{SERVER_ADDR}.$$"); if (($lockTryNumber < $MAX_TRIES_LOCK) && (time - $startWatchLock < $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LOCK)) { sleep(rand($sleepRandomIntervalLock)); $sleepRandomIntervalLock *= $MULTIPLIER_SLEEP_RANDOM_INTERVAL; $lockTryNumber++; } else { #print "Could not lock counter file after $MAX_TRIES_LOCK tries or in $MAX_TIME_WAIT_LOCK seconds !<br/>\n"; fail_safe($data_dir,$fileName); } } } sub exclusive_access_end { my ($datadir,$fileName) = @_; unlink("$datadir$fileName.lock.$ENV{SERVER_ADDR}.$$"); } sub fail_safe { my ($datadir,$fileName) = @_; if ( opendir(DIR,$datadir) ) { my $file; while ($file = readdir(DIR)) { if ($file =~ /$fileName.lock/) { my $mTime = (stat($file))[9]; unlink($file) if (time - $mTime > $MAX_LOCK_AGE); } } closedir(DIR); } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; if ($type eq "image") { $total = '0' x $nbdigits; my @mydigits = split('', $total); foreach my $num (@mydigits) { print "<img src=\"$digits_dir$style/$num.$imgtype\" alt=\"$num\" />"; } } else { print 0; } exit 0; }